Mochtar Riady Reveals State Conditions May Pass Crisis Due To Corona



COVID-19 has a great impact in various sectors worldwide. Lippo Group founder and president Mochtar Riady also spoke in response to the economic conditions affected by Corona.

“As a negative example, we see Singapore. The airline industry is in crisis about a month after the government closed the entrance to the country. Unemployment in the United States is 14% and is forecast to reach 25%. The crisis is global, “said Mochtar, who had just turned 91 at the Jakarta chief marketing event. Club Officer (CMO) titled Business Wisdom During COVID-19 Era, Thursday (05/14/2020).

In the virtual event that was carried out through Zoom on Thursday, May 14, 2020, Mochtar stated that to get out of the crisis, a country or region must meet the requirements of a large area, then many resources, with a large population and supported by technology.

Even if there are those who do not comply with all of them, at least the quality of the educational system. If it doesn’t have everything, Mochtar is not sure that a country will enter the new world order after COVID-19.

“Only the United States, China and the European Union meet these criteria. Indonesia can embrace other ASEAN countries with a total of 600 million people. Without that, it is difficult,” he said.

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