Like being struck by lightning in broad daylight, Nagita Slavina Panic sees the lumps under Rafathar’s tongue being afraid that this evil disease will become the trigger, Raffi Ahmad accurately spells shocked sentences – All Pages


Rafathar, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina

Instagram @ raffinagita1717

Rafathar, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina

GridPop.ID – Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina are parents who greatly appreciate their only child.

Even Gigi’s family greeting, Nagita Slavina, panicked at the unusual thing that happened to Rafathar.

Suddenly, he confused him and ran to the doctor for a review.

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Teeth saw a lump under Rafathar’s tongue, Nagita Slavina panicked and suspected the tongue cyst.

Like Nagita, Rafathar was also seen complaining about the pain inside his mouth.

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Lump on Rafathar's tongue Entertainment

Lump on Rafathar’s tongue

“Yes, you have to see a doctor, scared of cysts, cysts of the tongue,” Nagita told Raffi, quoted in the Rans Entertainment vlog on Monday (11/05/2020).

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In contrast to Nagita who panicked, Raffi Ahmad actually seemed relaxed because he had experienced something similar.

Especially after communicating with the doctor, the doctor stated that Rafathar’s experience was similar. mucocele

Mucocele per page WebMD It is a lump commonly found on the underside of the mouth organ, be it the lips, tongue, and gums.

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This lump appears because it is caused by trauma to the salivary glands.

According to the doctor contacted by Nagita, the mucocele treatment process could be with an ointment alone, no action is needed, such as surgery.

“You don’t need surgery, do you?” Raffi asked.

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“Not really, if the mucocele tends to be more conservative, just use ointment, you don’t have to act,” said the doctor who was contacted by Nagita.

“At the end of Gigi’s pan, I relax, he panicked,” added Raffi.

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This article has been published on under the title Nagita Slavina Panic There is a lump under the tongue of Rafathar

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