Oh! China closes a new city due to COVID-19


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – China is not completely crown-free (COVID-19). After Wuhan ended, China now announced confinement The city of Shulan in the East China Sea, Jilin province.

Quoted from CGTN, the announcement was made on Sunday (05/10/2020). This was done after the government discovered a new group of COVID-19 infections in the city.

All residents must stay home. Middle and high school students will also return to online learning and teaching activities.

All public facilities, cinemas, libraries are temporarily closed. The train facilities, both inside and outside the city, stop until the end of May.

Buses are asked to delay service. While taxis cannot leave the city.

“Authorities say they will carry out a thorough investigation of all Shulan residents,” the media wrote. The government will also track contacts on all close contacts with diagnosed patients.

Meanwhile, from South China Morning PostThe first known case was found on May 7 when a 45-year-old woman was diagnosed with COVID-19. Although the city has registered zero cases since April 9.

The woman is known to work in a laundry. It was not yet clear how he was infected, because since April 23 he has not left the province and has not met with anyone from abroad.

Meanwhile, on South China Morning, 18 people who came into contact with the woman had been quarantined. The National Health Commission (NHC) said there were 14 new cases registered by the local government on Sunday.

This news was a bad thing for Shulan. The reason is that the government just relaxed the social restrictions rules last Friday.

Where entertainment venues have been allowed to open even with a limited number of visitors. The city of Shulan borders North Korea.

Speaking to journalists, NHC spokeswoman Mi Feng described the Shulan situation as the highest cluster infection in China in the past two months. “City dwellers must maintain high vigilance,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(sef / sef)
