This little singer sings songs that Didi Kempot could never perform


So many broken heart songs created by this master campursari. Throughout Didi Kempot’s career, over 800 songs have been performed. But of the many works that were sung, there is a song that makes Didi Kempot always ‘ambyar’ by bringing her, the song Father. The song was created by Didi Kempot for his father, Mbah Ranto Edi Gudel.

To launch Didi Kempot’s departure, young singer Ardha Krina Pratama sang the song that Didi Kempot was never able to finish singing it on stage.

In full, only in Rosianna Silalahi’s dialogue with Blontank Poer (Didi Kempot’s Companions), Sandy Ria Ervinna (Music Player Didi Kempot), Ardha Krisna Pratama (Little Singer), and Judika (Musicians) in the ROSI Talkshow episode of Tribute to Didi Kempot, Godfather of Didot Heartbroken Broadcast May 7, 2020 WIB on Trusted Independent TV Compass.

Don’t miss the other exciting dialogues about the ROSI program every Thursday at 20:00 WIB only at @kompastv. Independently trusted.

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