Anies Baswedan ‘Ngadu’ hindered by the central government regarding Corona for foreign media: I am not afraid of being ridiculed – All pages


Figure ID – DKI Jakarta Governor feels “stumbled” by central government regulations related to handling the crown virus in Jakarta.

As is known, Jakarta is the most affected Covid-19 city in Indonesia.

Anies relayed this criticism to the Australian media, namely The Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

In his interview, the former Minister of Education said that he had been trying to anticipate Covid-19 disease since January.

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But the effort was hampered by the support of the Ministry of Health and President Jokowi.

According to Anies, long before the infection case was first reported on March 2, Jakarta had been tracking and monitoring possible cases of the Corona virus in January.

Quoting The Sydney Morning HeraldOn January 6, after hearing news about a new virus in Wuhan, Anies immediately held a meeting.

“We have begun to hold meetings with all hospitals in Jakarta, informing them of the existence of the Wuhan pneumonia virus (it was not called Covid-19 at the time),” Anies said. Figure ID, reported from The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday (9/5).

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At that time, Anies had installed a hotline at 190 hospitals in Jakarta to deal with the corona virus consultation.

“The number (of Covid-19 cases) continued to increase from January to February, then we decided on a government decision, dividing the task of handling Covid-19 into the provincial government (Jakarta),” Anies said.

Still, Anies does not have the authority to conduct laboratory tests when patients report indications of symptoms leading to the coronavirus.

“And then, when the number of cases continues to increase, at that time we were not allowed to do the tests. So, every time we had a case, we sent samples to the national laboratory (controlled by the central government / Ministry of Health),” said.

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“And then the national laboratory will report, positive or negative. In late February, we wonder why everything is negative.” Anies continued, feeling penalties if Indonesia had zero crown cases.

Anies intends to send monitoring data, but the central government continues to say that Indonesia does not have a positive case.

“At that moment I decided go public and I say we have monitored, this is the number. The ministry responded by saying that we did not have a positive case, “he explained.

As a person who feels responsible for Jakarta, Anies tried to track down infection cases as soon as possible.

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Funeral homes carry the coffin of a patient suspected of being Covid-19 at Tegal Alur TPU, West Jakarta, on Thursday 03/26/2020. Garry Lotulung

Funeral homes carry the coffin of a patient suspected of being Covid-19 at Tegal Alur TPU, West Jakarta, on Thursday 03/26/2020.

Because at that time the international world had even warned the Indonesian government.

But from January to February, Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto repeatedly denied global warnings.

He even strongly denied the study by Harvard researchers who cared about infection cases in Indonesia undetected.

Rather than respond and move quickly, Terawan, armed with the statement “thanks to prayer,” said Indonesia had zero crown cases as of the end of February.

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While President Joko Widodo on another occasion admitted having withheld certain information to avoid excessive public panic.

Lately, some national experts claim that Indonesia will soon overcome the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Anies was optimistic that the Jakarta governor wanted to be realistic and not suspicious.

He did not want to be impressed by giving false hope to the public, whereas when the end of the corona virus could not be so easily predicted.

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“I am not sure if we will be evenly distributed (the infection case curve). We have to wait the next few weeks to conclude if the trend is evenly distributed or if it continues to advance,” he said.

The Covid-19 working group estimated that the corona wave would recede in June or July.

Unfortunately, the conditions of people who did not meet seemed to be preaching the target date, they had to withdraw in the months after July.

“Why don’t I want to make predictions? Because I see the data. The data does not reflect that the coronavirus will end soon,” he said.

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“That is what epidemiologists say. This is a time when policymakers must believe in science (rather than guess),” Anies said.

Anies Baswedan was also frustrated that his views with the central government were not in line.

“For our part, it is believed that being transparent and open about current conditions provides a sense of security. But the Ministry of Health feels the opposite, that transparency will create panic. That is not our opinion,” he explained.

Anies estimates that up to 1.6 million people have left Jakarta to go home.

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He also regretted that the central government did not firmly prohibit going home, politics was often even considered changeable.

To avoid the second wave of the corona virus in late May, he said it would block people who return to the capital after going home.

As a result, Anies had to listen to thousands of blasphemies and criticism from some politicians, who viewed the anticipation as an “overreaction”, to which Anies wisely responded.

“I am not concerned with what social media has to say about our policies, I am more concerned with what future historians will write about our policies,” he said. (Rifka / Figure.ID)
