Testimony of Dr. Zhang Jixian, first person to report Co-19 to authorities Page


WUHAN, KOMPAS.com – Dr. Zhang Jixian (54) received praise from China for being the first Covid-19 reporter to local authorities.

The doctor sent an urgent report to the District’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on December 27, after seeing 3 patients, an elderly couple and their son, suffer from the same “mysterious pneumonia.”

In comparison, the late Dr. Li Wenliang called whistleblowers It crowns viruses, including the first group to warn of “SARS-like” illnesses on social media.

Dr. Li Wenliang uploaded a message in a group chat on December 30 and was sentenced by the police for “spreading false news.” He later died on February 7 of Covid-19.

Also read: China Call Doctor Li Wenliang, Whistleblower Corona Virus, as Martyr

Unlike Dr. Zhang, who was also one of the first Covid-19 reporters, he said that CDC officers came to his hospital to conduct investigations the same day. He called the reaction “very timely.”

But as reported by Daily Mail On Wednesday (04/29/2020), there were doubts that Chinese officials could have known about the disease weeks before Dr. Zhang sent the report.

In a recent interview, Dr. Zhang recalls how he discovered an unknown communicable disease almost a month before Wuhan was sent toconfinement.

TO Weekly Outlook a government-run magazine said, “(I found human-to-human transmission at the time, it’s just not very clear.”

“For example, in a family of three, the son does not live with his parents. He returns to care for them after they are sick and then takes them to the hospital …”

“This family has almost the same symptoms, (so I’m sure) that there is person-to-person transmission.”

Also read: Police apologize for punishing Dr. Li Wenliang, Citizen: go apologize to his grave

He said the family had not visited the Huanan market, a place where the Covid-19 outbreak is believed to have started.

Dr. Li Wenliang from behind the hospital bed. It became a chat and he was once considered a hero for warning about the corona virus before it became an outbreak. However, it was considered that his cargo bothered the public until he was arrested by the police.Weibo through the BBC Dr. Li Wenliang from behind the hospital bed. It became a chat and he was once considered a hero for warning about the corona virus before it became an outbreak. However, it was considered that his cargo bothered the public until he was arrested by the police.

“I was pretty sure at the time that it was a type of pneumonia virus, but I didn’t know what it was,” he added.

In the following days, the doctor and his colleagues received at least 4 patients with the same symptoms.

Dr. Zhang immediately arranged his treatment separately and purchased personal protective equipment (PPE) on a regular basis. online to be used by relevant staff said Paper.

Dr. Zhang defended Beijing’s management of the first days of the outbreak, arguing that it was the right way for officials not to inform the public about disease infections before the scientific conclusions.

To the government television station CGTN He said, “I think there is a process behind understanding anything, including illness. When things are not fully understood, you cannot talk too much.”

“If I’m a scientist, how can I tell any audience before reaching a conclusion?”

Chinese experts confirmed the transmission of the corona virus from human to human on January 20, more than 3 weeks after Dr. Zhang told authorities.

Also read: Chronology of the Australia-China dispute over the investigation of the origins of Covid-19

As a respiratory specialist at the Integrated Hospital of Western and Chinese Medicine in Hubei province, Dr. Zhang received a large number of awards from Chinese officials, who wanted to demonstrate that they did not cover the outbreak.

But Dr. Zhang admitted that it was not important to be officially recognized as the first person to issue a warning.

“It is a little different for me. As a doctor, we just do our job, we treat patients well and relieve their pain.”

Speaking of the sentence given to Dr. Li Wenliang, he suspected that his colleague, an optometrist, still did not know “the established protocol for informing people about infectious diseases.”

“So he shared his information on WeChat and it went viral.”

Also read: Chinese Government Resolves Inappropriate Police Sentences Against Dr. Li Wenliang

Dr. Zhang added that Dr. Li might not have the same conscience to protect himself as a respiratory physician and therefore contracted it from a patient.

But some reports suggest that authorities may have known about the virus for weeks when Dr. Zhang contacted them.

The first case of someone suffering from a new type of corona virus dates back to the case of November 17 in Hubei province, China, according to government records showing South China Morning Post.

The secret document states that there are 1-5 new cases reported every day from that date onward.

The first two-digit daily number is said to have occurred on December 17 and on the last day of 2019 the number of cases increased to 266, before increasing to 115 on January 1.

Read also: Corona Virus Zero patient monitoring leads to the case of November 17

However, it was only on January 7 that Chinese authorities claimed to have identified a new virus.

The CDC of China announced that the virus included the coronavirus family, which includes SARS and the common cold.

A study published in a media magazine. The lancet The peer review states that the first patient was registered by the Wuhan hospital on December 16 and that the person could have contracted the virus on December 1.

“The symptom onset date for the first identified patient was December 1, 2019. No family member had fever or respiratory symptoms,” the report said.

The bbc He later reported that the first patient, also called Patient Zero, was a 70-year-old retiree lying in bed due to stroke and dementia.

The unidentified man fell ill on December 1 and has never been on the market. seafood before getting sick, a doctor told him The bbc.

Also read: Crown in China is running out, but Wuhan wet market is languishing

One of the first warnings from officials said the “pneumonia outbreak” dates back to a statement by the Wuhan City Health Commission on December 31, 4 days after Dr. Zhang’s report.

Authorities say 27 cases of pneumonia have been identified, including 7 critical cases. He said he had linked the cases to the Huanan market.

Also read: Wuhan Institute of Virology, Foreground Laboratory Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
