Meet Corona Virus, which is now mutated into 3 types


Jakarta, Insert – Corona virus, COVID-19 continues to be a pandemic that attracts worldwide attention. Research for the development of this virus vaccine is still ongoing.

Currently, the researchers also revealed that the virus originating from Wuhan, China is now divided into three types A, B and C.

Researchers at Cambridge University revealed three different but related types of Corona virus.

Reporting from Daily Mail, Analysis of type A strains is a virus that is transmitted from bats through pangolins.

However, the study says that this type A virus is not a common case found in China.

Type A is commonly found in Australia and the United States, which have reported over 400,000 cases. Patients infected with type A are from the west coast region.

Meanwhile, the virus that first broke out in China was type B, while type C spread through Singapore.

“The vast majority of cases in Wuhan are type B whereas type C is derived and then emerges and initially spreads through Singapore,” said Dr. Peter Forster, one of the researchers.

Corona virusCorona Virus / Photo: Doc. Kaspersky

From test samples of the Corona type B strain found in many European countries such as Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

While Type C decreased from Type B and spread to Europe through Singapore. The researchers trust that the virus called SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate to overcome resistance of the immune system in different populations.

The man continued with type A initially mutated into type B in China, but type C, which is a derivative of type B, evolved outside the country.

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