YAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – DKI Jakarta province officially imposes large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), as stipulated in Governor’s Regulation (Pergub) No. 33 of 2020 to break the spread of the pandemic of the coronavirus or Covid-19.
Jakarta’s PSBB is valid as of today, Friday (10/4/2020), until the next two weeks, until April 23, 2020. In its provisions, Governor Anies Baswedan said, private cars and motorcycles They can still be used, but with special restrictions.
For those who rape, Anies said, he declared himself in Article 27 of the Governor’s Regulations, threatened with criminal penalties and fines.
“In accordance with Article 93 Jo Article 9 of Law Number 6 Year 2018 related to health quarantine, sanctions of one year (imprisonment) and a fine of Rp 100 million,” Anies said in a press conference via YouTube of Jakarta Provincial Government DKI, on Thursday (09/04/2020).
Also read: Jakarta PSBB applies on Friday, these requirements for motorcycle passes and private cars

In regulation, especially at point 18 of the transport sector, Anies explained, the rules for playing public transport, private cars and motorcycles during the Jakarta PSBB were in place.
In principle, modes of transport are subject to temporary restrictions. For public transportation modes, capacity is limited to 50 percent and hours of operation are only 06.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB.
Private car
For private cars, it is still allowed to operate, but there are several conditions stipulated in Article 18, paragraph (4), Pergub 33 of 2020. In essence, private car users must meet the specified conditions, namely:
to. It is used only to meet basic needs and / or other activities allowed during PSBB.
b. vehicle disinfection after use.
c. wear a mask in the vehicle.
d. limit the number of people to a maximum of 50 percent of the vehicle’s capacity, and
and. do not drive if you experience a higher than normal body temperature or are ill. “
“In a vehicle, the number of passengers who can travel together is limited. If the number of seats is for six people, a maximum of only three people, and everyone in the car must wear a mask,” Anies said.
Also read: This is the Transjakarta Corridor that operates during CBSS

Then, regarding the use of motorcycles, Anies explained that he was also allowed to operate, but could only be used to satisfy basic needs, such as buying groceries.
“Two-wheelers can be a form of transportation and can only meet basic needs or work in sectors that have been allowed,” Anies said.
As seen in the regulations, the provisions for motorcycles are contained in Article 18, paragraph 5, viz .;
“Private motorcycle users must follow the following conditions:
to. used only to satisfy basic needs
and / or other activities allowed during the PSBB;
b. disinfect vehicles and subsequent attributes
finished use,
c. wearing a mask and gloves; Y
d. Do not drive if you experience body temperature
above normal or sick. “
Also read: The Ojol Association strongly rejects the passenger ban on PSBB

As for the online taxi for motorcycles (ojol), according to Anies, it is still allowed to operate, but only for goods vehicles, not to transport passengers.
However, Anies said he was trying to facilitate it so that it could continue to function normally, in the sense of being able to transport people. However, he is still awaiting a decision from the Minister of Health (Menkes).
“Yesterday in talks with the Ministry of Transport (Kemenhub) we had spoken for it to be allowed, but because there has been no change by the Minister of Health, it must first be in line with the references,” Anies said.
This means that the ban on transporting people remains temporary, until there is a new decision by the Ministry of Health.
“Therefore, ojol can deliver goods and not for people, if there are changes, it will be adjusted in this regulation,” he said.
Also read: motorcycle is prohibited from driving when PSBB, be careful also at a red light

In addition, he asked all DKI citizens to be able to comply with the PSBB which will take place from April 10 to 23, 2020. After that, there will be a reevaluation whether it is continued or not.
“This is a great decision, but I hope it is not a difficult decision for everyone. Everyone is forced to obey to break the Covid-19 distribution chain because Jakarta has become an epicenter,” Anies said.