With an accompanying disease, Manado’s 41st patient died.


MANADO The 41st crown positive patient (Covid-19) in North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) was pronounced dead after being treated for eight days since April 22, 2020 at Bhayangkara Hospital in Manado.

This 68-year-old manado city resident previously announced that he had confirmed a positive crown on Tuesday (4/28), after the lab results came out.

North Sulawesi Covid-19 Task Force spokesperson (spokesperson) explained, Dr. Steaven Dandel, that patient number 41 had a concomitant tuberculosis or tuberculosis (TB) disease that helped aggravate his condition since receiving treatment.

“Having the lung capacity that has been affected by tuberculosis disease combined with covid-19, of course, this is onerous, so the affected person died,” Dandel explained during a video conference with journalists on Thursday ( 4/30/2020).

The 41st patient died on Thursday (4/30) at dawn, thus confirming that a total of four patients tested positive for Covid-19 in North Sulawesi, who died. (Fernando Rumetor)
