90% of state companies are affected, this is Erick Thohir’s ‘ultimatum’ for BUMN


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Minister of State Companies (BUMM), Erick Thohir, once again gave an ‘ultimatum’ to the board of directors of state companies to immediately carry out transformation and innovation so that in 2024 it can be carried out in its whole.

“In 2024 we expect transformation to occur, innovation to occur and we will create a good ecosystem, because we don’t want state-owned companies to become ivory towers,” Erick said at the Indonesia Digital Conference 2020, which was held virtually on Wednesday (12/16/2020).

“We must be able to work together with MSMEs, the private sector, local governments, the community, we hope to build an ecosystem that we can protect,” said the founder of Mahaka Media.

He explained that currently the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is not only felt by the private sector, but also by state companies.

In fact, 90% of them were affected, only the telecommunications sector and the member banks of the Himbara (Association of State-owned Banks) were in a position to grow in a sustainable way.

“90 percent of state companies are affected, only telecommunications or Himara are in a sustainable position, but most are in very harsh conditions, such as trains, airports, the number of passengers has decreased. So this trip will be very influential at this time, ”Erick said.

Therefore, state-owned companies must review their future business strategies, so that in 2021 they enter the survival phase.

“We will protect how to protect strategic state companies from the impact of Covid. Clustering of Alhamdulillah has occurred, previously 27 clusters now 12 BUMN but the supply chain. [rantai pasokan] we combined it, “said Erick.

He said, the most important thing now is that good corporate governance (GCG) must be improved.

“Transparency, compatibility [kesesuaian] this we do. Then we continue to do is restructure and realignment [penyusunan kembali], where we continue to improve the portfolio through corporate restructuring with consolidation, simplification, don’t bother. This makes sustaining, direct, we can run fast, “he said.

Erick also emphasized that what is no less important is the changing business model. “This is what I emphasize to the directors of BUMN, that the innovations of new business models should be studied,” he said.

“With Covid-19, whether we like it or not, changes must occur on all fronts. Therefore, we still have to focus on managing Covid and startups.

“If we go back to the beginning, the Indonesian program is healthy, Indonesia is smart, that’s the same, this is what we describe. If we don’t finish Covid-19, we won’t be able to grow in the second quarter of 2022. That’s why we must working together to solve Covid, but also the transformation in the world of digitization is going well. “

Erick also emphasized the importance of principals paying attention to the 5 pillars of BUMN, including beginning to collaborate with campuses on research and development (R&D).

“I’m just stressed, because I know it here [forum Indonesia Digital] There were also many BUMN directors who were present, from the beginning before Covid happened, we have socialized it to all the directors, these are the 5 pillars of BUMN ”.

“One of the things that I emphasized before, is how leadership in this innovation technology is the key for the future. We are very aggressive now, we collaborate and build infrastructure and business models that can be digital friendly, be it big data. , Artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence), EV battery [baterai listrik]. “

“And even what we want to fix, state enterprises want R&D cooperation with universities, because universities are R&D centers, why should they be brought to state enterprises? So we synergize this. We hope we can raise the general competitiveness of the BUMN. in technology “.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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