7 Groups Receiving Internet Fee Credit Assistance During Corona’s Pandemic Period


KOMPAS.com – During the current corona virus pandemic, many community activities have been affected and have undergone significant changes.

For example, offices and learning activities have shifted towards the use of technology and are carried out at home.

The government will also disburse funds to ease the burden on the community regarding the need to use legumes and internet fees.

At least, there are seven community groups that will receive subsidies from the government regulated by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).

Here are the details of the seven groups:

Ministry of Finance

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance (KMK) Noomor 394/2020, the government will provide support for data and communication packages for public officials (PNS), the public and students.

This credit will be awarded monthly and will last until December 2020.

1. Public officials

Public servants who will receive this credit bonus are those whose work is primarily done online.

For Tier I and Tier II or equivalent credit, assistance of up to IDR 400,000 per month will be awarded.

Meanwhile, for Echelon III and below or its equivalent, the amount of credit funds granted is 200,000 IDR per month.

2. Society

Not so detailed who people were referring to in KMK Noomor 394 Year 2020.

In the regulation, it is established that the people who will receive assistance are those who are involved in online activities that are accessory in nature.

Also read: Criteria for public officials who obtain a loan of up to 400,000 IDR

The maximum amount is IDR 150,000 per month.

Reported Kompas.com, Rahayu Puspasari, Head of the Office of Information and Communication Services of the Ministry of Finance, explained more about the community groups in question.

“What people want to say in the dictum are those involved in government activities, which according to the KPA (Budget User Authority) should receive support for communication costs,” said Puspa, on Tuesday (1/9/2020) .

“For example, online socialization for lower social groups,” he continued.

3. Students

This is followed by a group of students whose learning activities are transferred using the online method.

They will receive various financial aid according to their needs with a maximum amount of IDR 150,000 per month.

Also read: Students and residents will get a credit of Rp 150,000 per month

Ministry of Education and Culture

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim, said that the government will grant a subsidized internet quota for students, teachers, students and lecturers during the Distance Education (PJJ) period.

These funds will be distributed over the next 4 months, from September-December 2020.

1. Students

Students or students will receive a fee subsidy of 35 GB per month from the Government.

2. Guru

The amount of quota that the group of teachers gets is 42 GB per month.

3. Active students

The Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Nizam, ensures that all active students who carry out online learning will receive credit assistance from the government.

“Credit assistance is planned to be provided to all active students participating in online learning,” Nizam said.

Also read: Kemendikbud: Credit Assistance Awarded to All Active Students

4. Teacher

The quota received by the group of teachers is expected to be the same as that of the group of students, that is, 50 GB per month.
