7 Convoy of ambulances to collect 33 Santri Positive Corona in Tasikmalaya Page all


TASIKMALAYA, KOMPAS.com – Tasikmalaya City Covid-19 Management Task Force team picked up 33 corona-positive patients in 7 ambulances from the patient’s home to the rental apartments of Siliwangi State University (UNS) in the Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City, on Tuesday (9/29/2020).

2 vans were needed in 7 ambulances, each of which contained 2 to 3 corona patients because most of them had mild symptoms.

“We used 7 ambulances in total per convoy twice. A total of 33 people picked up positive patients from various different places. Most of them are patients with no symptoms or mild symptoms,” said the head of the Tasikmalaya City Health Office. , Uus Supangat, to reporters on Tuesday. late.

Read also: 33 Positive Santri Corona, the city of Tasikmalaya prepares the emergency hospital in GOR

Uus added that, starting today, patients without symptoms or who are hospitalized will also be transferred to Rusunawa.

This is because the availability of isolation rooms in hospitals cannot be in full condition to anticipate the appearance of patients with symptoms of the treatment process.

“We have to count that there is no transmission that does not take place if the isolation is independent. Also, Tasikmalaya city is a densely populated area. It has the risk of transmission more quickly,” Uus said.

Uus also hopes that the opening of the Rusunawa for isolation can accommodate Covid-19 patients in the city of Tasikmalaya.

If the cases continue to rise, the Tasikmalaya city government says they are ready to use the hotel and sports hall in the Dadaha complex as a place of isolation.

He said he was concerned that if patients undergo independent isolation, a family group will emerge and the risk of becoming a community group will lead to a micro quarantine.

“In the end, if there is a micro quarantine, it will put a strain on a bigger budget,” Uus added.

Earlier, Tasikmalaya Mayor Budi Budiman stated that the condition of the second wave of the corona pandemic outbreak in his area was running amok. His party was forced to impose a Covid-19 state of emergency.

Budi predicts that the 50-room capacity Siliwangi State University (UNS) rental flats of Tasikmalaya State University (UNS) (Rusunawa) will immediately be filled with positive patients from the pesantren group numbering 33 people.

“Rusunawa predicted that 33 positive patients who will be picked up from their respective homes today will be immediately full. Not to mention that the results will be later. tracking you’re still waiting for your swab test results. In the worst case, we set up an Emergency Hospital (RS) in the Dadaha Sports Pavilion, hotels and other government facilities, “Budi explained to reporters in Bale Kota Tasikmalaya on Tuesday (9/29/2020) .

Also read: Covid-19 cases are increasing, Tasikmalaya city government imposes a curfew

Meanwhile, according to data from the Tasikmalaya City Covid-19 Management Working Group as of Tuesday (9/29/2020), the total number of positive Covid-19 cases was 145.

A total of 59 people have been declared cured and 78 people remain in treatment and 8 people have died.
