51 additional cases of Covid-19, Palembang increased by 23, Linggau 12, Musi Rawas and Lahat 5 patients


Reports from Sripoku.com reporters, Jati Purwanti

SRIPOKU.COM, PALEMBANG – The number of positive cases of Covid-19 in South Sumatra or the Corona virus has increased significantly again.

According to data published by the national official website Covid-19 in the South Sumatra region as of Saturday (05/09/2020), there were 51 additional cases.

Along with the latest data on Friday (05/08/2020), the Covid-19 case in South Sumatra has reached 278 cases.

For Sumatra, the second highest number, under West Sumatra province, which now totals 286 Covid-19 cases.

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While for the number of patients recovering, as of Saturday (05/08/2020) there are 49.

In other words, there is no additional data for recovering patients.

However, for cases of death due to Corona Virus infection, a patient is added.

South Sumatra Acceleration Task Force Covid-19 spokesperson Yusri said the number of Covid-19 death cases in South Sumatra was now nine.

Finally, a patient who died in the Ogan Ilir district was added.

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The following is the distribution of additional data on 51 positive Covid-19 cases in South Sumatra:

1. Banyuasin one
2. Prabumulih one
3. Ogan Ilir is a person
4. OKI one
5. Muba dos
6. Chisel five
7. Musi Rawas five people
8. Lubuklinggau 12 people
9. Palembang 23 people

“Most of these additional cases have a local transmission status. However, there are three cases that are still under investigation,” Yusri said.
