5 facts Didi Kempot’s first wife finances her husband while she is still ngamen


Jakarta – Didi Kempot’s first wife, Saputri continued crying over her husband’s departure. He was so sad that he collapsed when Didi Kempot’s body was buried yesterday afternoon, Tuesday (5/5/2020).

Not many people know about the Saputri figure. Married to Didi Kempot for several decades, she is a woman who faithfully accompanied Didi Kempot from scratch.

In fact, he’s been dating Didi since the legendary singer was still a street musician. Also, there is still data on Saputri, Didi Kempot’s first wife, which is interesting to observe. Following Hello mother Summarize the figure of Saputri:

1. Once a factory worker in Tangerang

According to a Twitter account called @BisKota_, Saputri worked in a factory in Tangerang, Bun. At the time he was in a relationship with Didi Kempot.

While the late Didi Kempot himself was still singing around Slipi, West Jakarta.

2. Didi Kempot costs to use his salary as a worker

In 1984 Didi Kempot dated Saputri. They are coming out with Saputri’s salary as a worker. Meanwhile, Didi Kempot at the time was only working as a street musician.

However, despite that, Didi Kempot always tried to make Saputri happy. He was never absent when he brought him home from the busking.

Relatives planted flowers at the grave of the late Campursari singer Dionisius Prasetyo or Didi Kempot according to the burial at the Majasem Village Public Cemetery, Ngawi, East Java, on Tuesday (5/5/2020). Didi Kempot died in Solo, Central Java at the age of 53. BETWEEN PHOTOS / Joni Pratama / zk / hp.Didi Kempot’s grave / / Photo: BETWEEN PHOTOS / Joni Pratama

3. Awarded a mosque in Ngawi

Saputri is a wife who is always proud of Didi Kempot. The campursari singer even built a mosque in Ngawi as a gift for his wife.

He also built a mosque in Ngawi, as a gift to his wife, whom he is always proud of as a religious expert and happy recitation.“Blontank Poer writes on his Facebook account.

4. Diligent wirid for Didi Kempot

Bontank also said that Saputri was the source of Didi Kempot’s strength until now. He was diligent, irresistible, so Didi Kempot was healthy and strong.

If it weren’t for a lot of women and girls (his wife), he might not be that strong now, Mas. Alhamdulillah, always be healthy and strong for God, ‘Mas Didi told me on several occasions., “he said.

5. Living in Ngawi

Saputri lives in Ngawi, East Java. A small district just two hours from Solo.

Where his wife lived, it became Didi Kempot’s last resting place. As we know, this teacher Campur Sari was buried in a public cemetery in Majasem Village, Kendal district, Ngawi, which is not far from his first wife’s house.

Also watch the video about Aldila Bekti’s difficult learning when her third child died.

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

(heck / rap)
