5 facts about the death of the puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho, locking the glasses to the message before he died Page all


KOMPAS.com- “She turned it on, what is she waiting for? Life generated a wait to die, stay in the ming row (What are living people waiting for? Living people waiting for death, just line up) “Bagong’s dialogue told Patih Sengkuni in a puppet show performed by Dalang Ki Seno Nugroho.

The dialogue snippet on Dalang Ki Seno’s YouTube account seems to give a message, death will pick up all animated creatures.

Now this talented puppeteer from Bantul, Yogyakarta is gone forever. He took his last breath on Tuesday night (03/11/2020).

Ki Seno’s departure was accompanied by Javanese music ‘Ladrang Gajah Seno’ according to his will before his death.

The following is a series of facts about the departure of the puppeteer that is summarized by Kompas.com:

Also read: Chronology of the death of the puppeteer Ki Seno, who once had a transmission performance of wayang, separation and vomiting

1. You don’t feel good for a long time, keep acting and joking

PuppetShutterstock Puppet

The puppeteer had apparently not been feeling well for a long time.

Sri Sultan’s younger brother Gusti Bendana Pangeran Harya (GBPH) said that Ki Seno had promised to reduce his activities for two years.

“He himself vowed that after 2018 this would cut back on activities, so don’t let a month be full. But only twice a week because it doesn’t feel right,” he said.

Two months before his death, Seno had received treatment at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital.

At that time he experienced a blockage of the blood vessels.

It was also known that Ki Seno felt pain three days before he died.

However, on November 2, 2020, he still had time to put on a puppet show. transmission.

One of the sinden, Oriza said, on the day he left, the dalang was still joking around in the group. What is the application?

“In the group (WA) this afternoon still jokes (joking), “he said.

Also read: The story of the puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho, the daily performance program for the live broadcast (2)

A group of young men cycling together.STOCK OF BLINDS A group of young men cycling together.

2. Pain when riding a bike and vomiting

Ki Seno’s manager Gunawan Widagdo explained that before he died, Ki Seno took a bike ride on Tuesday night (03/11/2020).

But in the middle of the trip, Ki Seno was suffering.

“I spent the night cycling with a friend from here, when I got to the middle of the road, I was already feeling bad and the residents here picked me up,” he said.

Ki Seno had time to rest but his condition did not improve. In fact, he vomited.

His wife and residents took him to PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital.

“Going into the emergency room he is still conscious, waiting for a cardiologist,” he said.

Also read: Deceased at 48, this is the profile of the puppeteer Ki Seno Nugroho

3. Experience blockage of the blood vessels of the heart.

Heart illustrationI eat Heart illustration

Gunawan Widagdo explained that the PKU Muhammadiyah hospital team stated that Ki Seno had a blood blockage in his heart of approximately 100 percent.

This condition made the puppeteer famous on stage. live broadcastit cannot last.

Before exhaling his last breath, Ki Seno was transferred to ICCU.

After vomiting again, Ki Seno’s condition worsened.

He was later pronounced dead. “He died around 10:15 pm WIB,” Gunawan said.

Also read: Ki Seno in the eyes of Butet Kertaradjasa, the puppeteer who responds to the challenges of the time

Pengrawit who will accompany Dalang Seno Nugroho to the final breakKOMPAS.COM/MARKUS YUWONO Pengrawit who will accompany Dalang Seno Nugroho to the final break

4. You want to be accompanied by Javanese gamelan if you die

Apparently, before dying, Ki Seno had time to transmit his will.

Seno once voiced this request in the middle of his performance.

One of the people who knew about the message was the Sinden of Ki Seno named Tatin Lestari Handayani.

Tomorrow if I am ono this (gamelan) diunekke (Tomorrow when I die this gamelan will be played) ”, said Tatik, imitating Seno’s request.

The Javanese music that accompanied Seno’s death was Ladrang Gajah Seno Joko Porong’s work.

The music was sung by 11 sinden in front of the funeral home in Gayam Hamlet, Argosari, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The melodious chords of the music accompany the death of the puppeteer.

5. Buried in a grave with his father

Puppeteer Seno Nugroho prepares before performing at Munggi Hamlet Hall, Semanu, Gunungkidul on Sunday (8/4/2019)KOMPAS.com/MARKUS YUWONO Puppeteer Seno Nugroho prepares before performing at Munggi Hamlet Hall, Semanu, Gunungkidul on Sunday (4/8/2019)

Later, Seno’s body was buried in a grave with his father at Semaki Gede Cemetery, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta.

Burying Ki Seno with his father is a family decision.

“Buried in a burrow with his father. (Ki Seno) is the fourth of five children,” said Paulina Surami (86), a relative of Seno.

Surveillance Kompas.comTwo puppets of Ki Seno, Bagong and Bima, belonging to the deceased, were also buried.

Ki Seno’s departure left a deep sadness in several figures.

Also read: Ki Seno’s body buried Liang Lahat with his father in Semaki Gede

In the eyes of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, Ki Seno is a puppeteer with character.

“His way of acting is unique, everyone has an impression because there is something unique about him,” Ganjar said.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta’s Deputy Mayor, Heroe Poerwadi, called Ki Seno king live broadcast.

Ki Seno is capable of making shadow puppets accepted by various groups, today.

Also read: Give final tribute to the puppeteer Ki Seno, dozens of Sindens sing the Gending Bark Gajah

“What makes shadow puppets exist and each show is always full of spectators and live spectators? live broadcast whose two channels can get more than 20,000 viewers in the virtual world live, “said Heroe.

“He is an artist who dominates the representations of the virtual world, the king live broadcast channel YouTube for cultural arts shows, “he said.

For the art figure Butet Kertaradjasa, Seno is a puppeteer who can respond to the challenges of the time.

He made a breakthrough by streaming performances on the YouTube channel.

“The show in which he (Ki Seno) plays puppets at his home can be seen by all the people in Indonesia. Climen, for me, is his attempt to respond to the digital world of puppets,” Butet said after visiting the mortuary.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Yogyakarta Contributor, Wisang Seto Pangariboro | Editor: Dony Aprian, Khairina)
