5 facts about 63 tons of pork for sale as beef in Bandung


Jakarta – Shocking news came from Bandung Regency, West Java. Bandung Police managed to secure four actors selling pork as if it were beef. Within a year, the perpetrators have reaped huge profits.

Pork that has been converted to beef has sold twice as much on the market as the purchase price from the supplier. Here are five facts related to the case:

1. The supply of pork comes from Solo

Bandung Police Chief, Chief Commissioner Pol Hendra Kurniawan, said the four perpetrators had the initials T (54), MP (46), AR (38) and the United States (39). T and MP are from Solo. The meat was sent by his friend from Solo to Bandung Regency in a car.

“The brothers T and MP are only citizens recruitment about a year, originating from Solo. The item was sent by your friend from Solo here using a pickup car, “Hendra told the Bandung Police, Bandung Regency on Monday (05/11/2020) as reported by Between.

2. Use borax to make it look red

Hendra explained, T and MP acted as the meat seller. This T&MP uses borax in the pig to make it look red like beef.

“So physically, the pork is paler, but if the meat is redder, then the process (borax) of this pork becomes more similar, redder like meat,” said Hendra, quoted by CNNIndonesia.com.

beef and porkbeef and pork / Photo: special

3. Sold cheaper than real beef

Initially, the pig was purchased for Rp45,000 per kilogram of Solo. It was then processed to resemble borax beef, then sold for Rp. Hendra said there were also several residents who came directly to the author’s home.

Then, from the city level, further divided at the retail level to AR and the US. USA They sell the price of Rp85,000 to Rp90,000 per kilogram to the market and to the public.

4. 63 tons were sold in one year.

According to Hendra, there are already 63 tons of pork that resembles the meat that circulates in the community. However, apparently when he was arrested, there were still hundreds of kg of pork in the home of the perpetrator and retailer.

The police have seized a total of 600 kilograms of pork. Up to 500 kilograms of which are insured from the freezer and the remaining 100 kilograms are insured from retailers.

5. The authors were charged with a 5-year prison sentence.

In this case, the authors were accused of Article 91 A or Article 58 Paragraph 6 of Law Number 41 of 2014 on animal husbandry and animal health, and Article 62 Paragraph 1 of Article 8 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 8 1999 on consumer protection with the threat of a 5-year prison sentence.

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