5 deadliest fighter end games in Mobile Legends


INDOSPORT.COM – Each round of the eSports Mobile Legends game is divided into 3 phases, that is early game, middle game and late game

When a player faces an enemy, plus an enemy that is equally strong, then late game so the final phase is at the same time a decisive decisive phase and a setting for the epics Return for players

One of the heroes that can help in the late game is a hero fighter where this hero can provide very fierce resistance and has strong defense.

No need to stay longer, following INDOSPORT.com Gives a leak of several trustworthy combat heroes in the latest Mobile Legends game.

1. Alucard

Players must be smart to manage Alucard’s life-stealing abilities and the correct jungle strategy until the end of the game. Also, if the player encounters an enemy with the correct item.

If you don’t want to dust at the end of the game, then the player must be smart to rotate and kidnap each offside enemy one by one. With this, Alucard can be trusted at the end of the game.

2. Aldous

This hero may seem weak at the beginning of the game, but he can be incomparable at the end of the game. The strategy is that players can cultivate pile of souls at the beginning until the middle of the game first so that at the end of the game the damage accumulates and it is time to level the enemy.

3. Sun.

Sun became a very strong hero in the game, especially compared to Yu Zhong’s fighting hero. Lasting strength from the beginning of the game to the end of the game. This is thanks to the shadow of himself that can help him eradicate the enemy instantly when he was hit.

4. Lapu – Lapu

Slowly but surely, now Lapu-lapu becomes the player’s hero, especially at the end of the game. The main key to using this hero is the correct strategy to use active and passive abilities. Because the Philippine hero can potentially be very strong at the end of the game because he is equipped with agility, control effect, as well as durability which is very good

5. Masha

Players don’t need to be afraid to deal with enemy combat heroes and other strong heroes in late game, because Masha has pretty thick health points. You can also play aggressively at the beginning of the game through your first skills. But, this beautiful hero is very vulnerable to death at the end of the game if the player is not careful when playing.
