2 world renowned Indonesian scientists, Jokowi is proud!


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Two Indonesian scientists have received worldwide recognition for their contributions to the field of science. The two great women, namely Adi Utarini and Tri Mumpuni.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) did not convey this happy news. Jokowi this morning immediately expressed her pride in the achievements of these two great women on her social media accounts.

“Good morning. I want to continue with this good news, about the worldwide recognition of the achievements of two Indonesian scientists, namely Ms Adi Utarini and Ms Tri Mumpuni,” he was quoted as saying on his official Instagram account, @jokowi , on Sunday (12/20/2020).

Jokowi said that Adi Utarini, who had the full title Prof.dr. Adi Utarini, MSc, MPH, PhD, is included in the list of “Nature’s 10: Ten People Who Helped Shape Science in 2020” by the scientific journal Nature.

Meanwhile, Tri Mumpuni, director of the Institute for Business and Social Economy (IBEKA), is included in the list of the 22 most influential Muslim scientists in the list of the 500 most influential Muslims published by the Royal Center for Islamic Strategic Studies.

“Professor Adi Utarini led a pioneering trial of a technology that can help eradicate dengue, a disease that strikes 400 million people worldwide each year. Research results by Professor Adi Utarini and his team managed to reduce dengue cases by 77 percent in several countries – large Indonesian cities, “he said.

Meanwhile, Tri Mumpuni has participated in the development of community independence in remote areas through a micro hydroelectric power station (PLTMH). To date, IBEKA has built at least 65 PLTMH in remote villages in various corners of the archipelago. IBEKA is a facilitator using the MHP development approach to build people’s social capital.

“I am proud and very grateful for the achievements and contributions of Ms. Prof. Adi Utarini and Ms. Tri Mumpuni. I hope this is an example and inspiration for the young generation of Indonesia to be more active in pursuit of science and make a real contribution to the advancement of human life, “he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(wia / wia)
