2 Covid-19 positive Cimahi patients heal


CIMAHI, AYOBANDUNG.COM – In recent days, the City of Cimahi recorded zero cases of confirmed positive addition of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19). The number of recovering patients continues to grow.

Not only that, the number of people on monitoring (ODP), patients under supervision (PDP) and people without symptoms (OTG) also tends not to increase. This condition certainly raised hopes that the Covid-19 pandemic would end.

The Secretary of the Health Service, Chanifah Listyarini, admitted that in recent days there has been a decrease in cases. However, he was reluctant to mention that it is now the peak of Covid-19 spread in the city of Cimahi because it has to go through various data and analyzes.

“There is a decrease because it has finished monitoring. Hopefully it can continue to decrease,” he said when contacted on Saturday (05/02/2020).

In the past two days, there were two Covid-19 positive patients who were declared cured. First, a 52-year-old male patient from the Cibeureum sub-district, southern Cimahi district and a 62-year-old female from the Melong sub-district, southern Cimahi sub-district.

“That is from the GBI Lembang group. They remain monitored for 14 days,” said Rini, Chanifah Listyarini’s greeting.

With these additions, the number of confirmed Covid-19 patients recovered by May 2, 2020 reached 9 people. Although there are still active processes, 43 people and 3 people have died.

While Insider Monitoring (ODP) was 358 people, with the details of 62 people in the ODP process, 296 people completed the ODP period. There are still 8 patients under supervision (PDP), 12 after supervision.

The new data collected is Symptomless People (OTG) that reached 512 people. The details, 436 completed the OTG process and 76 are still in the OTG process.

To speed up the transmission of Covid-19, Rini continued, plans to conduct a hyssop test on all people who had close contact with confirmed positive patients.

“The tracking continues and we are now trying to clean up everyone who is in close contact,” he said.
