15 facts about COVID-19 through the adorable meme: legal lifestyle


It is undeniable that a lot of information about COVID-19 makes people feel fed up and feel “enough”. As a result, some people have turned to looking for light and entertaining news.

Now, if you feel like information on COVID-19 is still needed but want to go through a different means, through these 15 adorable memes, this might be the solution. Yes, here is Okezone trying to share 15 memes containing COVID-19 information around the world with you.

So what are the memes and what information is presented in the memes? Here are special reviews for Legal:

1. For the first time, 100 turtles laid 60 million eggs during the COVID-19 pandemic in India.

COVID-19 facts meme

2. Shenzhen, China, for the first time banned the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat throughout history.

3. Not long ago, Italy finally stated that the number of additional COVID-19 cases decreased for the first time.

COVID-19 facts meme

4. The 99-year-old British veteran named Captain Tom Moore managed to raise more than Rp333 billion for the National Health Service by walking 100 rounds in his yard.

5. Researchers suspect the largest reduction in CO2 emissions in world history since World War II.

6. Two pandas in Hong Kong fall in love with the zoo effect.

7. The LEGO company changed part of its machinery to produce PPE for medical personnel versus COVID-19. Every day they created 13,000 PPE.

8. The Prime Minister of New Zealand assures children that ‘Easter Bunny’ and ‘Tooth Fairy’ are important officers in the COVID-19 situation.

9. Australian dive operators stop underwater tourism due to COVID-19 and employ their entire staff to plant coral reefs along the Great Barrier Reef.

10. More than 120,000 people recover from COVID-19 worldwide.

COVID-19 facts meme

11. In the middle of COVID-19, children around the world take adorable action by drawing a rainbow and sticking it on a window as a way to spread positive messages.

12. For just 2 days, 4,500 doctors and physicians in the UK went straight to outperforming COVID-19 patients.

COVID-19 facts meme

13. The effect alone at home, many people in the world who eventually adopted dogs, cats and chickens for entertainment.

14. The effect of COVID-19, the first in the history of researchers to focus on an emergency problem.

15. The WHO announced that COVID-19 cannot be transmitted through animals, including pets that are in the home.
