Bekasi –
The explosion occurred at Kemang Pratama Housing, Bekasi. The explosion came from the 12 kg gas that exploded.
“Yes (the gas is suspected to have leaked),” Inspector Ompi Indovina, East Bekasi Police Chief of Criminal Investigation, said when contacted. detikcom, Wednesday (11/24/2020).
The incident happened at Kemang Pratama Housing, Rawalumbu, Bekasi City at 08.15 WIB earlier. Ompi explained that at first one of the residents of Mary Wiriana’s house (78) was lighting the stove.
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Instantly the explosion occurred. Due to the loud explosion, the victim rebounded.
“The mother who lights the stove is crazy, explodes, mentally,” said Ompi.
The victims were burned by 50 percent. They took her to Elizabeth Hospital for help.
Apart from the victim, 3 other residents of the house were only slightly injured. They are Oktavius (37) who suffered abrasions on his forehead and hands, Indah Karuniah (37) and Owen Kesen (9) had abrasions on his feet.
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The explosion was so strong that it damaged the victim’s house and the houses of 2 neighbors. According to data from the Metropolitan Police of the city of Bekasi, the victim’s house was damaged on the first floor, the roof of the house was destroyed, the back wall of the house was damaged, 2 cars were crushed by debris.
Meanwhile, in two of the houses of the victim’s neighbors, there was damage to the roof of the house and a car. “The roof (roof of the house) also broke. Next to it, the car was also damaged,” said Ompi.
The test that was obtained was a 12 kg gas cylinder and a stove. Now, the location of the explosion has been established by a police line.
See also the video ‘Resident houses’ in Cimahi destroyed by the explosion of gas cylinders:
(isa / mei)