100 doctors died from covid-19, what causes it? All pages


KOMPAS.com – Six months since the first Covid-19 case report in Indonesia on March 2, 2020, current Covid-19 cases in Indonesia have reached 174,796 cases.

Of them, 7,417 people died. Meanwhile, 125,959 people were declared recovered.

Of the number of victims who died, the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) noted that 100 doctors had died fighting the new type of coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 on Saturday (8/30/2020).

The names of these doctors come from various areas in Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Riau Islands, up to Papua.

Also read: IDI Grieves, 100 doctors died in Corona

Here are 100 names of doctors who have fought Covid-19 to the end of their lives.

DKI Jakarta

Prof. DR. Dr. Bambang Sutrisna (Professor of FKM UI / IDI East Jakarta)
Dr. Bartholomeus Bayu Satrio (IDI West Jakarta)
Dr. Hadio Ali K, Sp. S (IDI South Jakarta)
Dr. Laurentius Panggabean, Sp.KJ (IDI East Jakarta)
Dr. Ratih Purwarini, MSi (IDI East Jakarta)
Laksma (Ret.) Dr. Jeanne PMR Winaktu, SpBS (IDI Central Jakarta)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Nasrin Kodim, MPH (Professor of Epidemiology FKM UI)
Dr. Lukman Shebubakar SPOT (K) (IDI South Jakarta)
Dr. Heru S. died at RSPP (IDI South Jakarta)
Dr. Naek L. Tobing, SpKJ (IDI South Jakarta)
Dr. Sudadi, MKK, SpOK (IDI Central Jakarta)
Dr. Elida Ilyas, SpKFR (K) (IDI Jakarta)
Dr. Nastiti Noenoeng Rahajoe, SpA (K) (IDI Jakarta Pusat)
Dr. Paulus Sp.PD (IDI Central Jakarta)

DI Yogyakarta

Prof. Dr. Iwan Dwi Prahasto (Professor at FK UGM)
Dr. R. Nurul Jaqin SpB (IDI Yogyakarta)

West Java

Dr. Exsenveny Lalopua, M.Kes (IDI Bandung City)
Dr. Djoko Judodjoko, Sp.B (IDI Bogor)
Dr. Adi Mirsa Putra, THT-KL specialist (IDI Bekasi)
Dr. Wahyu Hidayat, SpTHT (IDI Bekasi district)
Dr. Karnely Herlena (IDI Depok)
Dr. Soekotjo Soerodiwirio SpRad (IDI Bandung City)
Dr. Mikhael Robert Marampe (IDI Bekasi district)
Dr. Adi Rahmawan (IDI Depok)

East Java

Dr. Berkatnu Indrawan Janguk (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Boedhi Harsono (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Soeharno (IDI Kediri)
Dr. Bendrong Moediarso, SpF, SH (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. H. Dibyo Hardianto (IDI Bangkalan)
Dr. Deny Dwi Yuniarto (IDI Sampang)
Dr. Gatot Prasmono (IDI Sidoarjo)
Dr. Sukarno (IDI Sidoarjo)
Dr. Budi Luhur (IDI Gresik)
Dr. Deni Chrismono Raharjo (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Arif Agoestono Hadi (IDI Lamongan)
Dr. Djoko Wiyono (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Arief Basuki SpAn (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Putri Wulan Sukmawati (PPDS Anak FK Unair / RS Soetomo Surabaya)
Dr. Agus Pramono (IDI Sidoarjo)
Dr. Pepriyanto Nugroho (IDI Blitar)
Dr. Sulis Bayu Sentono, Dr., M.Kes., Sp.OT (K) (IDI Surabaya)
Prof. Dr. R. Mohammad Muljohadi Ali, Sp.FK (IDI Malang Raya)
Dr. Abdul Choliq (IDI Probolinggo)
Dr. M. Ali Arifin (IDI Sidoarjo)
Dr. Sony Putrananda (IDI Blitar)
Dr. Ach. Chusnul Chuluq Ar, MPH (IDI Malang Raya)
Dr. Riyanto SpOG (IDI Tuban)
Dr. Ignatius Tjahjadi SpPD (IDI Surabaya)
Dr. Hilmi Wahyudi (IDI Gresik)

Central Java

Dr. Esis Prasasti Inda Chaula, SpRad (IDI Tegal)
Dr. Sang Aji Widi Aneswara (IDI Semarang)
Dr. Elianna Widiastuti (IDI Semarang)
Dr. Ana Roviana (IDI Jepara)
Dr. Sovian Endi (IDI Grobogan)
Dr. Ahmadi NH, Sp.KJ (IDI Semarang)
Dr. M. Fahmi Arfa’i (IDI Semarang)
Dr. Edi Suwasono (IDI Malang City)
Dr. Hery Prasetyo (IDI Blora)


Dr. Ketty at Medistra Hospital (IDI South Tangerang)


Dr. Nyoman Sutedja, MPH (IDI Denpasar)
Dr. I Wayan Westa, Sp.KJ (K) (IDI Denpasar)
Dr. I Nyoman Sueta (IDI Denpasar)
Dr. Hice Widiartha Wisna (IDI Buleleng)

North Sumatra

Dr. Donni (IDI Deli Serdang)
Dr. Ucok Martin Sp. P (IDI Medan)
Dr. Irsan Nofi Hardi Nara Lubis, S Specialist (IDI Medan)
Dr. Anna Mari Ulina Bukit (IDI Medan)
Dr. Aldreyn Asman Aboet, SpAN, KIC (IDI Medan)
Dr. Sabar Tuah Barus SpA (IDI Medan)
Dr. Daud Ginting, SpPD (IDI Medan)
Dr. Dennis (IDI Medan)
Dr. Edwin Marpaung, SPOT (IDI Medan)
Dr. Andhika Kesuma Putra, Sp.P (K) (IDI Medan)
Dr. Ahmad Rasyidi Siregar, SpB (IDI Medan)
Dr. Herwanto SpB (IDI Kisaran)
Dr. Maya Norismal Pasaribu (IDI Labuhan Batu Utara)
Dr. M. Hatta Lubis, SpPD (IDI Padang Sidempuan)
Dr. H. Muhammad Arifin Sinaga, MAP (IDI Langkat)

South Sumatra

Dr. Efrizal Syamsudin, MM (IDI Prabumulih)
Dr. Fatoni (IDI Ogan Komuring Ulu)
Dr. John Edward Feridol Sipayung (IDI Siantar Simalungun)
Prof. Dr. H. Mgs. Usman Said, SpOG (K) (IDI Palembang)
Dr. H. Khiarul Saleh, SpPD (IDI Palembang)

Riau Islands

Dr. Amir Hakim Siregar SpOG (IDI Batam)
Dr. HM Syamsu Rizal (IDI Natuna)

East Kalimantan

Dr. Miftah Fawzy Sarengat (PPDS FK Unair, Soetomo Hospital, IDI Balikpapan)
Dr. Sriyono (IDI Balikpapan)
Dr. H. Edisyahputra Nasution (IDI Samarinda)

South Borneo

Prof. Dr. H. Hasan Zain, Sp.P (IDI Banjarmasin)
DR. Dr. Heru Prasetya, SpB, SpU (IDI Banjarmasin)
Dr. Zulkiflie Saleh (IDI Banjarmasin)
Dr. Aris Sugiharjo, SpPD (IDI Banjarmasin)

West Nusa Tenggara

Dr. Asriningrum Sp. S (IDI Mataram)

South Sulawesi

Dr. Bernadette Sp ENT died in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (IDI Makassar)
Dr. Herry Nawing SpA (IDI Makassar)
Dr. Theodorus Singara SpKJ (IDI Makassar)
Prof. Dr. Andi Arifuddin Djuanna, SpOG (K) (IDI Makassar)
Dr. Adnan Ibrahim, SpPD (IDI Makassar)
Dr. Muh. Ron Limpo SpB (full IDI)

West Papua

Dr. Titus Taba SpTHT-KL (IDI Sorong)

Also read: 100 doctors died in Corona, epidemiologists value great losses for Indonesia

Judging by the difficulties of health workers to fight against Covid-19

Meanwhile, information about the death of these doctors was also broadcast by the latest information and data platform on Covid-19 in Indonesia from the spectrum of science and social affairs, Pandemic Talks.

One of the initiators, Firdza Radiany, revealed that a number of reasons for the deaths of the doctors were attributed to the hospital system and capacity being filled.

“(The doctors died) because the hospital capacity was filling up, occupancy rate national reach 41 percent. And already 14 provinces are above the national average. In fact, Papua is in the worst condition, namely overcapacity 107 percent, “Firdza said when contacted Kompas.com, Monday (8/31/2020).

Occupancy rate is the availability of hospital beds for patients with Covid-19.

Other than that, occupancy rate it is also the percentage of the number of hospitalized patients divided by the number of hospital beds provided.

Firdza added, with numbers occupancy rate causes full-time health workers, including doctors.

“Full workload, it may be necessary to review the work system for a maximum of 6 hours changing the weathershe said.

As for the data based on the highest occupancy rate of 14 registered provinces, it can be seen on the Instagram account Pandemic Talks.

Also read: 100 doctors died due to Covid-19, what should be evaluated?

Steps to take Indonesia

Additionally, the pandemic conversations also provide a number of suggestions that, if possible, the government can use to balance the rate. occupancy rate.

  • Pushing the positive rate (13.4 percent) where the WHO standard is 5 percent, means reducing the spread of the virus. So that the number of cases does not increase.

If there are more cases, the number of occupied hospital beds will decrease.

  • Focus on preventing the number of cases and the number of active patients, not on increasing the cure rate and decreasing the percentage of active cases.

Pencegehan is in the form of policies, for example bans / fines for gathering in crowds, reduced mobility between provinces and others.

  • The government began to pay attention to the level regions occupancy ratetall like Papua.

For example, building a special hospital, adding a reference hospital, converting the function of a hotel into a hospital.

  • Pay attention to the availability of beds, healthcare facilities, healthcare workers and others for patients who do not have Covid-19.

Also read: 100 doctors died due to Covid-19, the members of Commission IX ask the government to evaluate itself
