Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be in Ayodhya for Deepotsav celebrations, paying tribute to Ram Lalla at Ram Janmabhoomi and lighting earthen lamps at Ram Ki Paidi, even as the administration will strive to set another Guinness World Record on November 13. by lighting 551,000 diyas on November 28. ghats of the Saryu.
Presiding over a meeting on Friday night, the prime minister gave instructions for the elaborate celebrations in Ayodhya on the occasion.
However, no outsiders will be allowed for Deepotsav and people will be encouraged to virtually light a diya on Ram Ki Paidi from their homes. It will be the fourth consecutive Deepotsav in Ayodhya.
Last year, the Ayodhya administration set a world record by lighting 410,000 earth lamps. Not just Deepotsav, outsiders would not be able to participate in other city attractions, such as Kartik Purnima Mela, Panch Koshi and 14 Koshi Parikramas, an official said.
Ayodhya borders will be sealed from November 11 and only locals will be able to participate in the ceremonies.
“No outsiders will be allowed in Ayodhya this year on Deepotsav, Kartik Purnima and other festive occasions. All these events will be restricted to locals only, ”said MP Agarwal, the Ayodhya Division Commissioner.
The five-day Deepotsav celebrations will begin in Ayodhya on November 12, followed by the formal opening of the main event on November 13, the day before Diwali. Other holiday events will continue until Kartik Purnima on November 30.
The Ayodhya administration was anticipating the presence of a large crowd this year in Deepotsav and Kartik Purnima when construction work began on the Ram temple.
Every year, large numbers of people visit Ayodhya from nearby districts, including Barabanki, Basti, Amethi, Gonda, and Ambedkar Nagar for Deepotsav celebrations. For Kartik Purnima, people gather on the banks of the Saryu for a ritual bath in the river.
Ayodhya Police Deputy Inspector General Deepak Kumar will coordinate with the police chiefs of the contiguous districts.
Ayodhya police will create a WhatsApp group, which will also include police personnel from the surrounding districts. The step is being taken for the rapid exchange of information.
Ayodhya police will start controlling the entrance of vehicles from 11 November.
This year, the Ayodhya administration will strive to break last year’s record and around 8,000 students from Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University and Ayodhya graduate universities will be trained for this purpose.