Xiaomi India is teasing to launch a new smartphone on January 5, 2021. According to the teaser poster, this phone will come equipped with a 108MP main camera. Also, following the design of the camera, this device could be nothing more than the rumored My 10i, which is said to be a rebadged Redmi Note9 Pro 5G.
Redmi, the sub-brand of Xiaomi thrown out China’s exclusive Redmi Note 9 series at the end of November. One of the three devices in this series, Redmi Note 9 4G has already been sleepless for India as Redmi 9 Power with an additional 2MP macro camera.
Similarly, the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G is expected to debut in India as the Mi 10i, based on multiple findings. Now though Xiaomi India has yet to confirm the official brand of the phone, it has revealed to announce this phone officially in the country on January 5.
This means that the Mi 10i will be the first launch of a smartphone for Xiaomi India in 2021. As far as the specifications are concerned, we expect it to be the same as the original. Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G, Unlike My 10T Lite, which is basically the same phone with a 64MP main camera.
Last but not least, according to a leak, the Mi 10i will come in 6GB + 128GB and 8GB + 128GB storage variants, as well as Black, Blue, and Orange-Green gradient color options.
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