World Hand Hygiene Day 2020: theme and objective of the campaign


World Hand Hygiene Day 2020: It is also known as Hand Hygiene Day. Medical care plays an important role, as it helps prevent various infections simply by improving hand hygiene practices. According to the WHO, hand hygiene is a “more important measure” to prevent the spread of bacteria in hospitals and elsewhere.

World Hand Hygiene Day 2020: campaign theme

A campaign theme is “SAVE LIVES: Wash your hands.” It is aligned with the Year of Nurses and Midwife. Their goal is to recognize nurses and midwives as front-line heroes who work and help us fight the COVID-19 pandemic and deserve recognition and appreciation. The day also highlights their critical roles in infection prevention.

Let us tell you that each year on this day a campaign is organized as part of a global effort led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve and improve hygiene, which is important for healthcare settings.

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World Hand Hygiene 2020: campaign objectives

The main objective of the campaign is to maintain and recognize that handwashing is one of the most necessary and effective ways to reduce the spread of pathogens and prevent infections, including the COVID-19 virus. Health workers and community members also play an important role in infection prevention through regular and frequent handwashing.

The objective of WHO and its partners through the 2020 campaign is:

– Make hand hygiene a global priority.

– Motivate and inspire hand hygiene and behavior change.

– Collaborate with healthcare workers in infection prevention and maintain a clean care regime.

According to WHO, the campaign also acts as a call to action for policy makers to provide a clean and safe working environment for nurses and also to improve staffing levels. It is also a call for leaders to train nurses and midwives to provide clean care to prevent infection. The campaign also contributes to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Call to Action on WASH in healthcare facilities.

As we know, nurses and midwives play a crucial role in the delivery of health services. They provide care to patients, mothers and children through immunizations and life-saving health advice; they take care of the elderly and meet a daily need as required. Or we can say that they dedicate their lives to caring for them. According to the WHO, 9 million nurses and midwives are required worldwide to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. That is why 2020 is designated by the World Health Assembly as the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. .

Under the current scenario, maintaining the health care regimen is very important and the need of the hour. The whole world suffers from a COVID-19 pandemic and to prevent infections, health hygiene is very important.

Hand hygiene is also known as hand washing. It is an act of cleaning hands with or without water or another liquid, or with the help of soap to remove dirt, grime and microorganisms. Medical hand hygiene consists of practices related to the administration of medications and medical care to minimize the disease and prevent it from spreading. The primary goal of medical hand hygiene is to clean your hands of pathogens that may include bacteria or viruses and may consist of chemicals that can cause injury or illness.

Therefore, maintain hand hygiene and make it part of routine daily activities to prevent an infection that can cause illness.

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Source: WHO
