New Delhi: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s fight with the Maharashtra government has just gone from bad to worse. It all started with the actress calling the Mumbai police and saying that she feels scared in Mumbai. Shiv Sena’s leader, Sanjay Raut, asked him to refrain from coming to the city if he got scared. Later in an interview, the political leader even addressed the Manikarnika actress Kangana using a derogatory term.
Now, in a recent interview, Kangana Ranaut has reacted to the comment. Kangana Ranaut stated that she looked in the dictionary for the meaning of the word and said it means ‘muftkhor’, someone who eats for free. She then went on to say that she is the highest paid actress and that she has paid 15-20 million rupees as taxes. In addition, she claimed that she has created employment for her staff members, for her film crew members and for the people who work in theaters when her films are released. She says she pays a high tax to the Maharashtra government to stay and work here, so she is not ‘muftkhor’.
Kangana also broke his silence on the alleged vengeful demolition of the Maharashtra government and the personal comments made against him and claimed that much had been said about his release of his statement against the Mumbai police.
However, the actress has clarified that she did not target the Mumbai police, but was talking about the Uddhav Thackeray administration led by the Maharashtra government.
“I want to question Uddhav Thackeray who, while he has inherited the property, power, Shiv Sena and the loyalty of Bala Saheb Thackeray’s people, they have left behind their ideologies. So who is muftkhor? I have been using my hard earned money to improve the country, the state of Maharashtra and I have always made donations, how can I be a muftkhor? she added.
Today she has become Sonia Sena. “Who is muftkhor then? I told you that everything I earn is used for Maharashtra.
He went on to ask what Sanjay Raut had contributed to the economy, adding that he wanted him to apologize for his comments.