The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) arrested Rhea Chakraborty on Tuesday (September 8) after three days of questioning in connection with a drug case linked to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Rhea was presented to a magistrate via video conference and was placed in preventive detention for 14 days.
Previously, the NCB had arrested Rhea’s brother, Showik, and two members of Sushant’s staff, Samuel Miranda and Deepesh Sawant, in connection with this case.
What is NCB?
1. NCB is a federal law enforcement and intelligence agency under the Ministry of the Interior of the Government of India.
2. The main function of the NCB is to combat drug trafficking and the use of illegal substances according to the provisions of the Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.
3. The Narcotics Control Office was created on March 17, 1986 to allow the full implementation of the 1985 Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act.
4. The Director General of NCB is an officer of the Indian Police Service (IPS) or the Indian Revenue Service (IRS).
5. The NCB is outside the scope of the Right to Information Act under section 24 (1) of the RTI Act of 2005.
Rhea has been arrested under sections 8 (c), 27 (a), 28 and 29 of the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS).
This is what these sections mean and what penalties do they attract?
Section 8 (c): This section of the NDPS Act states that produce, manufacture, possess, sell, buy, transport, store, use, consume, import in an inert state, import into India, export from India or transship any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance, except for medical purposes. and scientific purposes requires a license or permission from the authorities concerned. It also prohibits the cultivation of the cannabis plant and the production, possession, use, consumption, purchase, sale, transportation, storage, interstate import and interstate export of ganja for any purpose.
Punishment: He is punishable by a rigorous prison term of not less than ten years which can be extended to twenty years and he will also be liable for a fine not less than one lakh of rupees but which can be extended to two lakh rupees.
Section 20 (b): The law says, “Produce, manufacture, own, sell, buy, transport, import interstate, export interstate, or use cannabis will be punishable.”
Punishment: It is punishable by a severe prison term of not less than ten years and a fine that can be extended to one lakh of rupees.
Section 27 (a): The NDPS law refers to the use of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. This particular section prescribes the punishment for a person who uses a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance that includes cocaine, morphine, diacetylmorphine or any other narcotic drug / psychotropic substance.
Punishment: Punishable by rigorous imprisonment that can be extended to one year or a fine that can be extended to twenty thousand rupees.
Section 28 and 29: These sections deal with crimes of attempted crime and of complicity and criminal conspiracy.