The Uttar Pradesh Public Utilities Commission (UPPSC) declared on Friday the results of the Combined Examination of State / Superior Subordinate Services (General / Special Recruitment) -2018, commonly known as PCS-2018.
A total of 976 candidates have been declared selected against 988 positions. Candidates can verify their results by visiting the Commission’s official website at, informed UPPSC exam controller Arvind Kumar Mishra.
“No suitable candidates were found in the 12 positions of Information Officer and District Information Officer. These positions have become vacant, ”Mishra said.
According to the results, the female candidates have obtained three of the top five places with Anuj Nehra from Panipat, Haryana in first place, followed by Sangeeta Raghav from Gurgaon, Haryana, in second place and Jyoti Sharma from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh in the third place. .
Vipin Kumar Shivhare from Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh and Karamveer Keshav from Patna, Bihar have taken fourth and fifth places respectively.
In terms of positions, PCS-2018 was one of the largest hiring examinations of its kind conducted by the commission to date, with 988 positions of 40 different types on offer, including 119 deputy collector positions and 94 deputy SP positions. . In the last 10 PCS exams, the post count was less than this, officials said.
See the list of merits of UPPSC PCS 2018:
Of the 988 positions, for four positions included in PCS-2018, no interviews were conducted, which included a Class-1 Executive Officer / Assistant City Commissioner position and three Urban Development Accountant positions. The final results of these four positions have also been declared along with the final results of PCS-2018.
The PCS Exam (Preliminary) -2018 was conducted, in conjunction with the Recruitment Exam for Assistant Forest Conservator / Range Forest Officer, on October 28, 2018. The exam was conducted at 1,381 sites across 29 districts of the state. Of the 6,35,844 applicants, 3,98,630 had appeared in the preliminary examination. The result of the preliminary examination was declared on March 30, 2019. In it, a total of 19,096 candidates were declared successful and eligible for the main to contest the 988 positions on offer.
By order of the Allahabad High Court, the commission on October 5, 2019 amended the results of the PCS (Preliminary) -2018 and declared 160 female candidates from outside the UP also eligible to appear on the network. The main exam took place between October 18-22, 2019 in Prayagraj and Lucknow. In it, 16,738 candidates had been presented and 2,669 of them were declared successful for the Interview Round.
Qualified candidate interviews were conducted from July 13, 2020 in two shifts until August 7.