Updated: September 30, 2020 12:05:44 pm
A healthcare worker writes a report after collecting nasal swab samples to test for Covid-19 in Hyderabad on September 29, 2020 (AP Photo: Mahesh Kumar A.)
Coronavirus cases in India: While the past few weeks have been a period of welcome slowdown in the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic across the country, the longest, most consistent and significant decline in growth rates has been seen in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Tamil Nadu.
These three states have been showing a reduction in their growth rates for two months. Coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu and Bihar have now been growing at less than one percent per day, while Andhra Pradesh is about to get there (see chart).
Decrease in Covid-19 growth rates (since August)
Bihar has been adding less than 2,000 cases every day for the entire month of September, and on Tuesday it was also taken off the list of the top ten states with the highest number of cases, replaced by Kerala, the fastest growing state at the moment. .
Tamil Nadu has had the most remarkable flat-line progression in daily discovery of new cases. Except for two occasions, the state has reported between 5,000 and 6,000 new cases every day since the beginning of August (see chart). On Tuesday, Tamil Nadu’s total confirmed cases were overtaken by Karnataka, which has been in the midst of a minor increase in cases in the past two weeks.
Daily new cases of Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu since August.
Andhra Pradesh has also been reporting a decrease in the number of new cases in recent days. Until the second week of September, the state reported more than 10,000 cases each day, the second highest in the country after Maharashtra, but after that there has been a steady reduction in daily numbers, which have now reached a level of around of 6,000. .
In fact, the decline has been so steady in Andhra Pradesh that the number of active cases has dropped from a high of more than 1 lakh to less than 60,000 now, a drop of more than 40% in just three weeks. In Bihar and Tamil Nadu, the decline in active cases has not been as significant.
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However, at the national level, active cases continue to decline. On Tuesday, around 80,000 new cases were reported across the country, while more than 86,000 people were declared to have recovered from the disease. The total number of people infected with the virus has risen to 62.25 lakh, of which 51.87 lakh, or more than 83%, have recovered from the disease.
But more importantly, active cases have dropped from 10.17 lakh to 9.4 lakh in the last two weeks.
Daily Covid-19 Cases from India in September.
The state of utmost concern right now is Kerala, the fastest growing state at the moment. Their numbers are growing at nearly four percent a day, when the national growth rate is just 1.4 percent. On Tuesday, the state once again reported more than 7,000 new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed infections to more than 1.87 lakh. With that, Kerala re-entered the list of the top ten states with the maximum load of cases. The state was last seen on this list in April.
Top 10 states with the maximum load of Covid-19 cases.
Another state that has been reporting a growing number of cases in recent days has been Karnataka. Its growth rate is still around 1.5 percent per day, but the state now contributes the second-highest number of cases every day, only after Maharashtra. On Tuesday, it reported more than 10,000 new cases for the first time. With that, it also got ahead of Tamil Nadu and became the state with the third highest number of cases in the country with more than 5.92 lakh of confirmed infections.
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