Updated: September 30, 2020 10:55:48 pm
Volunteers distribute face masks, monitor people’s temperature at Mumbai Deonar on Wednesday. (Express photo: Amit Chakravarty)
Wednesday of the Ministry of the Interior of the Union came out with his latest set of relaxes to coronavirus lockdown guidelines, with some important areas opening up.
What are the great things that have been opened?
The big news is that as of October 15, cinemas, theaters, multiplex cinemas, entertainment parks and swimming pools for the training of athletes will be able to open outside the containment zones. Business to Business exhibitions can also be opened. The other big thing is that states and UT can now move towards reopening schools starting October 15.
Are meetings of people without a bar allowed?
Restrictions on gathering of people for social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious and political purposes have been further relaxed. For outdoor spaces, the guidelines do not set a numerical limit.
However, in closed spaces, there is a ceiling of 200 people, or half the capacity of the place.
In both, masks, social distancing, disinfectants and thermal scanning must be mandatorily available.
What has changed since Unlock 4.0?
In Unlock 4.0, movie theaters, theaters, multiplexes, amusement parks, and swimming pools were restricted. While states can now allow schools to open as of October 15 after developing their own standard operating procedures, at the latest closure, only 50 percent of teachers were able to attend school to facilitate online learning. , and students in classes 9 to 12 were able to attend school. school voluntarily to clear your doubts.
Guidelines for social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious, and political functions were also previously limited to 100 people. Train travel was also restricted, and no longer is, signaling a return to normalcy.
Are these guidelines already in place and how long will they last?
These guidelines apply from October 1 and last until October 31. The lockdown in the containment zones has been extended until the 31st. Changes such as the relaxation of the assembly rules, the reopening of schools and the opening of movie theaters will only take place on October 15 onwards.
Can states make changes to these guidelines?
Union states and territories are specifically prohibited from imposing local lockdowns, except in containment zones, except in “consultation with the MHA.”
However, it is the district authorities who decide where a containment zone should be, and they are in charge of maintaining strict perimeter control and allowing only essential elements.
There are other decisions that are in the hands of the states. For example, to reopen schools, The center has given states the “flexibility”, which means they can choose not to. If they decide to open, it is the state governments that must develop SOPs to ensure the health and safety of students, consistent with the SOPs issued by the Department of School Education and Literacy.
Similarly, it is the responsibility of the state government to issue and enforce standard operating procedures at meetings to prevent the spread of COVID.
With the increase in COVID cases, have checks and balances been established?
With regard to the opening of schools, there are some conditions that the MHA has introduced. For one thing, he says that online or distance learning is still preferred. In schools that offer it, children may choose to opt for online courses rather than physical assistance.
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Attendance in any case may not be imposed and will be based on parental consent. The child, even if she attends school, can only do so with the written consent of her guardians.
For everything that is being opened, the SOPs will be developed by the ministries concerned. For cinemas and multiplexes, for example, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will issue guidelines, for business-to-business exhibitions it will be the Ministry of Commerce, for social gatherings the state government. This is perhaps why all of these can be reopened only after October 15 and not immediately.
Is there something that is still closed?
The containment zones are still in operation. Residents within these zones will still have to contend with perimeter control and can only go out for essentials. Other than that, nothing is closed except for international flights except where permitted by the MHA. India already has air bubbles with 13 countries.
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The guidelines specifically state that there will be no restrictions on interstate or intrastate movement, and no separate electronic permit / approval / permit will be required for any movement. However, there is a warning for people with comorbidities, those over 65, pregnant women, and children under the age of 10 staying home.
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