Ayodhya: The holy community of Ayodhya and Vishwa Hindu Parishad is reportedly upset with the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and Shiv Sena’s boss Uddhav Thackeray over the recent events involving Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and announced that “he is no longer welcome in Ayodhya. “
Mahant Raju Das, the priest of the Hanuman Garhi temple, questioned the demolition of the Ranaut office in Pali Hills by the Mumbai civic body BMC and said: “Uddhav Thackeray and Shiv Sena are no longer welcome in Ayodhya. Now the chief from Maharashtra Minister will face strong opposition from Ayodhya seers if he comes here. “
Addressing the Uddhav government, Das further said: “The Maharashtra government acted without wasting time against the actress. But the government itself has not yet taken action against the murderers of two seers in Palghar.”
Meanwhile, Sharad Sharma, VHP regional spokesperson, said: “It is very clear that Shiv Sena is deliberately targeting the actress because she is supporting the nationalist forces and has raised her voice against the Mumbai drug mafia.”
He said that the Maharashtra government was acting maliciously against Kangana Ranaut.
Mahant Kanhaiya Das, director of Ayodhya Sant Samaj, also accused the Maharashtra government of protecting those who are involved in anti-social activities and warned Maharashtra’s chief minister not to come to Ayodhya.
“Now, Uddhav Thackeray is no longer welcome in Ayodhya. Why is Shiv Sena attacking Ranaut? Everyone can understand. It is not a mystery. Shiv Sena is not the same as it used to be under Balasaheb Thackeray,” Mahant said. Kanhaiya Das.
It should be remembered that Uddhav visited Ayodhya on November 24, 2018, then on June 16 of last year, and again in March of this year after becoming the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.