Mumbai: The Office of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra (CMO) announced on Friday (May 8) an ex gratia of Rs 5 lakh each to the families of those who died in the Aurangabad train accident. “Rupees of five thousand rupees each have been announced as gratitude to the families of those killed in the Karmad (Aurangabad) train accident,” said Maharashtra CMO.
BJP leader Ram Kadam expressed his condolences for the tragedy, saying that “the Aurangabad accident is tragic. The Maharashtra government has not made any arrangements for the feeding of migrant workers and therefore people are they are forced to walk for miles. “
At least 16 migrant workers were killed when a freight train ran over them between Jalna and Aurangabad, the Director of Public Relations (CPRO) of South Central Railway (SCR) reported on Friday. Some others were seriously injured and two escaped unharmed, all the workers are from Madhya Pradesh. The wounded were transferred to the Aurangabad civil hospital.
The accident occurred early Friday on the Nanded Division of the South Central Railway in the Karmad Police Station area of Aurangabad District. According to Railways officials, migrant workers from Madhya Pradesh were sleeping on the railroad track when the accident occurred. In a statement issued by the Railways, the hit people are native to Umarya and Shahdol of Madhya Pradesh and worked at SRG Company in Jalna, Maharashtra.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences for the tragedy in Aurangabad and promised all possible assistance in the matter. Addressing the microblogging site Twitter, he wrote: “Extremely distressed at the loss of life due to the train accident in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. I have spoken to the Minister of Railways, Shri Piyush Goyal, and he is closely monitoring the situation. all possible assistance required. “