OnePlus eventually abandoned the notched display as well as the exclusive “Pro” variant pop-up selfie camera in favor of the punch design in the OnePlus 8 series. Despite housing a single front camera, the hole is positioned in the upper corner left, which gives the design an asymmetrical atmosphere. Since the company has yet to implement an Always On Screen mode in OxygenOS, the developer community has rushed to fill the gap and has decided to use the area around the camera hole to simulate a notification light or even a indicator of drums.
OnePlus 8 XDA Forums ||| OnePlus 8 Pro XDA forums
The first candidate is Arc Lighting, which is a name known within the Samsung community. Originally developed by the epicity of the XDA member, the app “… adds a highly customizable ring of light around the camera cutout”, which can be used to display audio, show battery status, charge status, notifications and many more events.
Arc lighting for OnePlus 8/8 Pro – XDA thread
Next up is Energy Ring by XDA Recognized Developer jagan2. The developer has relentlessly added support for new devices with perforated camera cutouts in this app, which is intended solely to indicate the current battery level. By using in-app purchases, users can further unlock the ability to add gradients or multi-colored rings around the OnePlus 8 cutout and its “Pro” counterpart. Energy Ring also offers a set of cool animation effects to choose from, which will activate every time you plug in your device to charge it.
Model-specific discussion threads are listed below:
Power Ring for OnePlus 8 – XDA Thread ||| Power Ring for the 8 Pro – Hilo XDA
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