Agartala: Tripura’s Chief Minister, Biplab Deb, launched biscuits made from bamboo and honey bottles made from bamboo on the occasion of World Bamboo Day on Friday (September 19). These products are expected to create employment opportunities in the state and were launched to promote the government’s ‘voice by local’ initiative.
On the microblogging site Twitter, Tripura CM said: “On the occasion of World Bamboo Day, the bamboo biscuits and the honey bottle made from bamboo were launched. The bamboo biscuits and honey bottle will now add another feather to our cap. It will generate livelihood opportunities for many and fulfill the vision of PM @narendramodi Ji’s #AtmaNirbharBharat. ”
The cookies have been made with muli bamboo shoots which are commonly known as sweet bamboo. Contains dietary fibers and less fat. The Agartala Bamboo and Cane Development Institute made these unique cookies.
Dr. Kant, the head of BCDI, has conceptualized the idea of producing bamboo biscuits in the state to ensure that the locals get their livelihood.
Taking into account the nutritional value of bamboo shoots, the Institute started working on bamboo biscuits, Dr. Abhinav Kant told Zee News.
” Bamboo biscuits are made naturally, which makes them healthy and nutritious. I appreciate the hard work of the Bamboo and Cane Development Institute (BCDI) and Dr. Abhinav Kant for this innovative idea, “said CM Biplab Deb.
Bamboo shoots are a very common delicacy in the northeastern state, especially among tribal peoples. The soft part of the bamboo is edible, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
Dr. Kant also said that the bamboo shoot is perishable, therefore it has been fortified with wheat flour, which is also rich in dietary fiber and works as a natural preservative.
In Tripura, bamboo is one of the most economically important plants, since all parts of the plant: culm, rhizome, root, leaves and young shoots can be used for different purposes.