
People wearing face masks cross the Millennium Bridge, as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in London. (Reuters)
The United States had reported more than 52,400 deaths as of Saturday morning, while Italy, Spain and France have reported between 22,000-26,000 deaths each.
- Reuters
- Last update: April 25, 2020, 11:46 p.m. IST
Global coronavirus-related deaths passed 2,00,000 on Saturday, while confirmed cases are expected to reach three million (or 30 lakh) in the coming days, according to a Reuters count.
More than half of deaths have been reported in the United States, Spain, and Italy.
The first disease-related death was reported on January 10 in Wuhan, China. The death toll took 91 days to pass 1,00,000 and another 16 days to reach 2,00,000, according to Reuters count of official government reports.
In comparison, there are an estimated 4,000,000 annual deaths from malaria, one of the deadliest infectious diseases in the world.
The United States had reported more than 52,400 deaths as of Saturday morning, while Italy, Spain and France have reported between 22,000-26,000 deaths each.
Of the 20 most affected countries, Belgium has reported the highest number of deaths per capita, with six deaths per 10,000 people, compared to 4.9 in Spain and 1.6 in the United States.
About 8% of all reported cases in the United States have been fatal, while more than 10% of reported cases in Spain and Italy have resulted in deaths.
However, those rates would be considerably lower if the infection totals included the many unreported cases of the disease, as not all people with symptoms are examined.
Asia and Latin America have reported more than 7,000 deaths, while the Middle East has reported more than 8,800. The current toll in Africa is around 1,350.
The global death toll has continued to grow at a rate of 3-4% per day for the past 10 days, although that rate has slowed since the beginning of the month.
The actual number of deaths is expected to be higher, as many countries have not included deaths recorded in nursing homes and other places outside of hospitals.