The Tamil Nadu Government Examinations Directorate (TN DGE) today declared the 10th and 12th results of the supplementary examinations. Students who took the exam can check the result on the official website,
The result of the tenth supplementary review was expected around 11.00 am, but was published around 1.30 pm. The twelfth result was declared at the scheduled time of 2:00 p.m. Both exams were conducted in September and the results have now been declared.
Here is the direct link to check TN’s tenth supplemental result.
Here is the direct link to check the supplemental result of TN 12th.
About 10,000 students had taken the supplemental exam for the 10th class and about 50,000 from the 12th class. Students must use their registration number to access the results of the supplemental exam.
TN DGE declared the 12th result on July 16. The students obtained a passing rate of 92.3%. Girls had performed better than boys with a 94.8% pass rate. The children obtained a pass rate of 89.41%.
On August 10, the result of the tenth examination of the board for the year 2020 was declared. This year, the tenth examination could not be conducted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All students who had registered to appear were declared approved. The supplemental exam was for students who were unable to register for the main board exam.