
New researchers at the University of South Wale made a very interesting and strange discovery about the universe. According to the new study, the electromagnetic force may differ in some parts of the universe.
In an article published in Science Advances, researchers at New South Wale University (UNSW) announced four new light measurements emitted by a quasar 13 billion light-years away. Furthermore, small changes in the constant fine structure have been reaffirmed in previous studies. John Webb, a professor at UNSW, points out the measurement of electromagnetism, one of the four fundamental forces in nature for constant fine structure.
John Webb explains the fine structure constant as follows: “The fine structure constant is a number used by physicists as a measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force. It is in a dimensionless number and the speed of light, in the Planck constant, in the charge of electrons and the mentioned constant, the relation of them. “
Electromagnetic force; it makes the electrons rotate around the nucleus of all the atoms in the universe, and without it, matter would not have come together. Professor Webb noted some anomalies in the constant fine structure through the appearance of the electromagnetic force measured in a certain direction of the universe.
“We have found clues that the constant fine structure is different in certain parts of the universe. If this is true not only in terms of time, but also in the direction of the universe, it is quite strange. But that is what we found. “
An interesting discovery:
In his latest study, Webb said his team was working on a quasar that would allow the universe to observe a state of a billion years, and this has never been done before. The team measured four fine-structure constants along an observation line to the quasar. None of these four measurements gave a final answer as to whether there were noticeable changes in electromagnetic force, but when other measurements developed by different scientists unrelated to this study were included, differences in the fine structure constant began to be seen more clearly. .
Webb said these results support the idea that there is versatility in the universe, and this is quite strange. Webb noted that there may be some aspects in the universe where the rules of physics have changed, but this is not a vertical direction. This means that the universe can have a bipolar structure.
“In a certain direction, we can look 12 billion light years ago and measure electromagnetism at a time when the universe was too young,” Webb said of the discovery. Electromagnetism gradually increases as you combine all of this data and look beyond. In other directions in the universe, the constant fine structure remains the same. These new remote measurements have made our observations more advanced than ever. “
Professor Webb said that this must be taken very seriously and that it should be received with suspicion, including himself, that this is something that must be proven and that we are likely to live in a truly strange universe. Also, a completely independent team from Webb in the USA. USA It has achieved similar results with Webb.
Life in the universe:
Professor Webb says that if other studies confirm these findings, it may help explain why there is life in the universe. The fact that there is versatility in the universe and changes in electromagnetism in different parts of the universe can cause a revision of the basic concepts that support modern physics. Professor Webb, who said that the current standard cosmological model is based on the co-universe, said:
“The standard model itself is based on Einstein’s Theory of Mass Gravity, which states that the laws of nature are fixed. The fact that such basic principles are just a good guess is quite exciting in physics, and that means that new ideas will open up behind your doors. “