Today, Chris Hemsworth is recognized worldwide as the man behind the Norse god of thunder in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Hemsworth will come to play the character for more than a decade when all is said and done; He joined Kenneth Branagh’s Shakespere-inspired performance as the lead in the character’s first performance in 2011.

From multiple mash-ups to three individual deliveries and the next quarter, Hemsworth and Thor are intimately connected. So it should come as no surprise that the actor starred in a handful of macho roles: 12 Strong, in the heart of the sea, Snow White and the hunters, and more. Yet despite portraying the kind of protagonist that many like and attract, Hemsworth never bragged about the bachelor lifestyle often associated with such an onscreen presence.
In an interview with GQ, Chris Hemsworth even explained that his family was a little “shaken” to see him in such “hyper-male” roles, as the personality doesn’t align with the smooth, familiar man behind the character. However, when it comes to a publicist who met Chris Hemsworth, he would be more of the Leonardo DiCaprio type when he first emerged.
MCU star Chris Hemsworth on his public presence and first publicist advice
Although he is not his own publicist, as the person would likely have been fired quickly, someone once advised Hemsworth, in the past, to keep his private life low. However, not because it was salacious and gossip-worthy … because it wasn’t. A publicist once said, according to Hemsworth:
The more they know about you, the harder it is for people to believe in your character … They want to believe the fantasy that it could be them on screen in that situation, doing whatever.
The MCU star was already married to Elsa Pataky when her celebrity status began to reach unforeseen heights. The two were married in 2010, and Thor It didn’t hit theaters until 2011.
The publicist seemed to think viewers would want to believe that his character, the superhero, the modern version of Fabio, was in line with his real-life personality. However, that was not the case; He was not single. He wanted a family. He was an emotionally present man beginning to settle into his role as husband and future father … not the faint bachelor who fell in love with Natalie Portman on the big screen.
Hemsworth explained that he went on to test this type of bad boy for size for a brief moment. It really didn’t work. The man expected to portray was not who he was; He could not identify with the public person who he believed would benefit him more than his true identity.
Today Hemsworth is happily married. He has a beautiful family. And, as for his fans, they seem to love him more for that. Hollywood is changing (albeit slowly), and that publicist probably got caught giving advice in the midst of radical change, at the start of the cultural change that would be difficult to predict.