Updated: October 19, 2020 9:40:20 pm
The photo of the idol in tribute to the covid warriors has swept social networks. (Source: Nittya Paul / Facebook)
West Bengal is ready to celebrate the annual Durga Puja festival despite the pandemic, and photos of an idol portrayed as a doctor killing the ‘southern crown’ have taken social media by storm.
The photos show the goddess Durga, depicted as a doctor in a lab coat and equipped with a stethoscope, killing a coronavirus-shaped Mahisasur. Instead of the traditional trident, the goddess is seen holding a giant syringe that is used to kill the demon.
The four sons of the goddess have been depicted as other front-line Covid warriors. While Ganesh has been depicted as a police officer, Lakshmi has been dressed as a nurse, Saraswati has been depicted as a teacher, Kartik has been portrayed as a cleaner.
The post shared by a Facebook user Nittya Paul from Matigara said that the idol had been created in Siliguri in North Bengal by sculptor Jiten Paul. However, there are also claims that the idol is from Jharkhand and Assam. Currently, there is little clarity on where the idol was created.
The original post was shared almost 69,000 times and the photos are also shared on other platforms like Reddit and WhatsApp.
Many praised the idea on social media:
Brilliantly appropriate # COVID-19-The Kolkata-themed Durga Puja creativity, with the goddess slaying the virus! Greetings to the unknown designer and sculptor # DurgaPuja2020 pic.twitter.com/Q8ZT8EtWfo
– Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) October 19, 2020
Love it. Crown-mardini.
– HindolSengupta (@HindolSengupta) October 19, 2020
What a beautiful way to show respect to the Corona Warriors – doctors, nurses, police officers, cleaners, and ambulance workers. Mahishasur is the Corona virus! How creative
Hope Ma Durga helps us overcome this pandemic and may everyone stay safe and sound healthy pic.twitter.com/74EaT9Wuat– Dr sarika verma (@ Drsarika005) October 19, 2020
Perfectly crafted idol of Goddess Durga from Kolkata. The world needs this spiritual power from Goddess Durga to kill the new coronavirus. I take my hat off to the sculptor
# DurgaPuja2020 pic.twitter.com/idSCJFfnhW
– Saurabh Muley (@ saurabhmuley93) October 19, 2020
Maa Durga as a doctor.
Asur as a corona virus.Innovation is the name of the game during #DurgaPujo pic.twitter.com/luLscwUA55
– Devlina Ganguly (@AarKiBolboBolo) October 19, 2020
Many were upset with the artist’s reimagining of the god Kartik, claiming it “hurt their religious feelings.”
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