New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle desk: The largest hole in the ozone layer that stretches more than 1 million square kilometers over the Arctic caused by unusual weather conditions has been closed, a report released earlier in the week said. The hole was first identified by scientists in March earlier this year. Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services (CAMS) and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) confirmed the development.
Sharing a post on the microblogging website, Copernicus ECMWF wrote: “The unprecedented #OzoneHole of the Northern Hemisphere 2020 has come to an end. The #PolarVortex division, which allows #ozone-rich air in the Arctic, closely coinciding with last week’s forecast from the #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service. “
The unprecedented northern hemisphere 2020 #Ozone hole has come to an end. the #Polar vortex divide, allowing #ozoneair-rich in the Arctic, closely matching last week’s forecast #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service.
More information about the NH Ozone hole
https: //t.co/Nf6AfjaYRi pic.twitter.com/qVPu70ycn4
– Copernicus ECMWF (@CopernicusECMWF)
April 23, 2020
But, the closure of the hole has nothing to do also with the reduction of contamination levels in the middle of the closure. It is because of the polar vortex, the high altitude currents that are responsible for bringing cold air to the polar regions.
Such holes in the ozone layer are quite common over Antarctica at the South Pole, especially during July to September, but the hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic at this time was unusual.
The polar vortex, the high-altitude currents that are responsible for bringing cold air to the polar regions, are believed to be responsible for the healing of the layer.
The ozone layer works as a protective shield, as it prevents the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin cancer, from entering the Earth. The hole above the Arctic Circle could have caused serious damage to humans if it had increased in populated areas.
The Antarctic ozone hole is primarily caused by man-made chemicals, including chlorine and bromine, that migrate to the stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere about 10–50 kilometers above sea level.
According to Copernicus, the last time an equally strong chemical depletion of ozone was observed in the Arctic was during the spring of 2011.
Published by: James Kuanal