Updated: December 7, 2020 9:52:07 am
The CAT 2020 answer key will be available at iimcat.ac.in. Archive
IIM CAT 2020 Answer Key: The answer key and answer sheet for the Common Admission Test (CAT 2020) of the Indian Institute of Administration (IIM) will be published on December 8. Candidates will also have options to raise objections in the answer key for December 8-11. The objection management tab for CAT 2020 will be active from 10 am on December 8 to 5 pm on December 11, 2020. Candidates will be able to view the answer key as well as their individual responses to questions during this period ”Says the notification. Candidates can view and download the answer key through the website. iimcat.ac.in.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, around 2 lakh of candidates showed up for the entrance test this year and the registered attendance was 83.5 percent, said Himanshu Rai, director of IIM-Indore. The CAT article was reviewed as moderate and balanced. Abhishek Patil, CEO of Oliveboard, said: “The TITA questions were easy and one should try them first. The DILR part was easier for everyone and English consisted of tricky questions. ”Candidates can expect a 99th percentile score ranging from 46 to 48 points, the CEO said.
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IIM CAT 2020 Answer Key: Steps to Download
Step 1: visit the official website, iimcat.ac.in
Step 2: On the home page, click on ‘Candidate Login’
Step 3: login with credentials
Step 4: The answer key, question document and answer sheet will be on the board, please download.
Based on the final answer key, CAT’s results are likely to be announced in the first week of January. Those who pass the exam will be eligible for admission to management courses including PGP, PGDM, PGPEM, EPGP, PGPBM, PGPEX, at various IIMs and other B schools across the country.
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