The dates of the CBSE class 10 and 12 board exams for 2021 will be announced on December 31, Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishan’ said on Saturday. “Important announcements for students and parents! I am going to announce the date that exams will begin for students who sit for the #CBSE board exams in 2021. Stay tuned,” wrote the minister of education on the platform of social networks Twitter. The dates will be announced on December 31 at 6 p.m., Pokhriyal added.
Typically, practical exams take place in January and theory exams start every year in February and end in March. Pokhriyal had previously ruled out conducting board exams for classes 10 and 12 until February next year in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic in the country. “Given the current situation, it was decided that the board exams for classes 10 and 12 will not be held until February next year. CBSE is making the necessary preparations for the 2021 exams. A decision will be made on the review schedule later, after the assessment of the situation and further consultation with stakeholders, “Nishank said previously.
“Canceling exams and promoting students without exam will put a stamp on these students. These students could have trouble getting jobs and admissions to a higher education level in the future, as they would be called COVID-era students. We don’t want that for our students, ”he said.
The CBSE class 10 and 12 board exams will take place offline as “we need a laptop and stable internet and electricity for each student, which is a challenge,” the education minister previously said. Board examinations will be conducted on a reduced curriculum. There will also be 33% internal options on the exam, Pokhiryal said.
“According to the latest information from the board, exam dates will be announced soon and students’ schools will not be their exam centers,” said Alka Kapur, Director of Modern School, Shalimar Bagh. PTI. “Furthermore, the exams will be conducted in the same way as they have always been conducted without any further reduction in the curriculum,” Kapur added.