November 20, 2020 12:27:32 pm
The 76-year-old wiped his eyebrows and forehead, but did not notice dark brown streaks in the hairline on either side of his ears at the Republican National Committee headquarters.
Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, inspired several reactions on social media after black spots were seen on his face while he was addressing a press conference.
Although the election results clearly point to the victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden, Trump’s campaign legal team held a press conference on Thursday to continue exposing electoral fraud. What made the most headlines and got people talking were the streaks of black that ran down Giuliani’s face.
The 76-year-old former New York mayor wiped his forehead and his, but didn’t seem to notice there were dark streaks in the hairline on either side of his face.
For many people on social media, the debate quickly turned to whether it was a bad hair dye or a suntan lotion spilling all over her face. He inspired memes and Photoshopped versions, with some referring to him as ‘The Melting Man’.
Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye (or bronzer?) Is dripping and he has no idea. I am literally crying laughing.
– Aaron Horwitz (@AaronTheH) November 19, 2020
I see Rudy Giuliani is having a meltdown. Literally.#SurrenderDorothy
– Richard Littler (@richard_littler) November 19, 2020
– Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 19, 2020
– GuillaumeTC (@GuillaumeTC) November 19, 2020
Here’s why you should hire Union hair and makeup professionals:
– IATSE (@IATSE) November 19, 2020
The collapse of Trump’s legal strategy in one image.
– Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) November 19, 2020
Rudy Giuliani is a lawyer for dyeing.
– John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) November 19, 2020
It appears to be leaking oil like a ’89 Buick.#RudyGiuliani #Press conference
– Matt Gaetz ‘Liver
(@MattGaetzLiver) November 19, 2020
They forgot to refrigerate Rudy properly and now the poor thing is melting.
(@reset_by_peer) November 19, 2020
#RudyGiuliani pulled out a Cotton Hill from King of the Hill
– Crazy dog lady (@ toots953) November 20, 2020
Literally me watching Rudy Giuliani’s press conference
– Santo Hoax (@SaintHoax) November 19, 2020
I knew it! #RudyGuilliani #Melted man #Press conference
– Shawn P. Fitzgerald (@ ShawnPFitzgera1) November 19, 2020
When you run out of hair dye and the press conference is in 5 minutes #RudyGiuliani
– Daniel Archila (@DanielArchilaB) November 20, 2020
It appears that Rudy hired a hair coloring service while at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. #RudyGiuliani #drip
– Amy Stone (@Stone__Amy) November 19, 2020
I mean, what a month.#RudyGiuliani
– Adam Schwarz (@AdamJSchwarz) November 19, 2020
We’re at the point where Rudy’s hair dye sends cryptic messages #RudyGiuliani #TrumpIsANationalDesgrace #ConcedeTrump #sweat
– Uncle Bingo (@ItsUrUncleBingo) November 19, 2020
Although the popular theory was that it was the hair color, the stylists consulted by the The New York Times did not agree on what could have caused it. His theories? A bad tint job, a root touch-up product like a mascara, or a touch-up spray.
Rudy Giuliani and other Trump attorneys repeatedly accused the media of ignoring his claims. They also reiterated a discredited conspiracy theory that Venezuela may have hacked the election results through machines used by local authorities.
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