When Prime Minister Nitish Kumar launched the JD (U) campaign for the assembly elections through a virtual rally, the opposition leader and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav attacked him and launched 10 questions to the government.
“Today he is heading to a virtual rally. The whole world has seen the fate of the actual party rally on March 1 of this year. The Chief Minister would only speak about outdated topics in the virtual demonstration and will not speak about the problems of unemployment and poverty that afflict the state, ”said Tejashwi Yadav, analyzing JD (U) claim that 25 lakh people will join. to the rally through a virtual medium.
Yadav continued. “Bihar is a state with a maximum population of young people. Why hasn’t the Chief Minister been able to stop migration, malnutrition and unemployment in the state even after being in power for 15 years in the state? He was unable to establish industries in the state. ”
The RJD leader also targeted the state government for what he called “15 years of misrule.” “In the last 15 years, why did unemployment, poverty, hunger and migration increase in Bihar? Why is the unemployment rate of 46.61% in Bihar the highest in the country and why has it become the center of unemployment? ”, The prime minister should also respond on these issues.
Citing data from Niti Aayog and NHM, Yadav questioned Kumar: “Why is Bihar delayed every year? According to Niti Aayog, the state ranks lower in education, health, and other development indices. Who is responsible for this? ”
Taking a look at the law and order situation in the state, Yadav said that according to NCRB data, the state has the highest crime figures. “The crime rate in Bihar is 40%. A rape incident takes place every 4 hours, while a murder takes place every 5 hours in Bihar. CM should talk about this too, ”he said.
He also asked the state government to make public the work done on a 1.65 lakh crore rupee package announced by the Prime Minister. “And finally, people also want to know why the CM did not respect the public mandate in 2017,” he asked, in an indirect reference to JD (U) leaving the Grand Alliance in 2017.
JD (U) spokesman Rajeev Ranjan responded to the barrage of criticism with a single point. “Tejashwi Yadav should check his facts first before saying anything,” said the JD (U) leader, stating that 6.75 lakh people had been employed in government offices over the past 15 years. He said the corresponding figure when Tejashwi Yadav’s parents, Lalu Yadav and Rabri Devi, were in power, was just 93,000. He also cited data from the National Office for Criminal Records to claim that the law and order situation in Bihar was not in a bad state, insisting that Bihar is ranked 23rd out of all states for recognizable cases.