Updated: October 15, 2020 7:46:03 pm
Actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub’s wife, Rasika Agashe, recently shared a glimpse of their baby shower ceremony amid the Tanishq publicity controversy. (Source: mohdzeeshanayyub / Instagram, Anubha Bhosle / Twitter)
How #BoycottTanishq is still trending on social media after jewelery brand launch an adMany people, from actors, TV personalities to writers, have come forward to speak in their support, and many have shared cases of interfaith marriages in their family, amid accusations against the ad to promote ‘love jihad’.
Actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub’s wife Rasika Agashe recently shared a glimpse of their baby shower ceremony and captioned it: “Meri gobharai … socha share kar dun … (My baby shower … I thought, let me share it ) … and before shouting love jihad, let’s learn about the special act of marriage.
– Mohd. Zeeshan Ayyub (@Mdzeeshanayyub) October 14, 2020
Writer Mrinal Pande wrote: “My daughter married a Muslim Indian in the USA, neither of them converted. Both mothers flew there when our first grandson arrived. Together we cook, clean, and entertain family and friends. At night moaning Ya Allah and He Ram, they giggled and slept on hard mattresses. “
My daughter married a Muslim Indian in the US, neither of them converted. Both mothers flew there when our first grandson arrived. Together we cook, clean, and entertain family and friends. At night, the moans of Ya Allah and He Ram, they laughed and slept on hard mattresses. So fans! https://t.co/62c4VL1ebd
– Mrinal Pande (@ MrinalPande1) October 14, 2020
Television personality Tehseen Poonawalla spoke about her own interfaith family in a tweet.
My mom is Muslim.
My Hindu wife.
My mom gave my wife her Mandir!
At our home on Diwali, my HINDU wife does Laxmi Puja. It is not fictional!
My mom helps decorate and looks at the poojas! It is not fictional!
Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law in #tanishq is exactly my family @mvadera https://t.co/eEuUJXF7BU– Official Tehseen Poonawalla (@tehseenp) October 12, 2020
Vir Das also took to Twitter to call those demanding that the ad be taken off the air. “Whatever your faith… If your faith is so shaken by advertisements, jokes, books, movies and art… it isn’t that strong. If you need everyone to feel the same way you do … you are the one lacking conviction, ”he wrote.
Whatever your faith … If your faith is so shaken by advertisements, jokes, books, movies and art … it is not so strong. If you need everyone to feel the same way you do … you are the one lacking conviction.
– Vir Das (@thevirdas) October 14, 2020
Some other people also shared stories from their interfaith weddings.
This is for @TanishqJoyeria Y #bigots who called #BoycottTanishq and have questioned “what if?”
So here she goes, my maiden name is Zara Farooqui and I’m married to Nikhil Parwal @ NikZar05 since 2016. And these are our wedding photos. #TanishqAd pic.twitter.com/PV2dQScFPJ– Zara Raj Parwal (@ZParwal) October 14, 2020
I also had an interfaith marriage. suhins umma and papa have always treated me as their own daughter .. I wonder where so much hatred comes from in people’s hearts .. live and let others live #TanishqAd https://t.co/doN4NrMT3W
– Anusuhin (@ Anusuhin2) October 14, 2020
Meanwhile, The Advertising Club issued a statement, condemning the “threats and attacks against Tanishq and his employees.” Here is the full statement:
#TanishqEkatvam @ascionline @TheAdClub_India @MICA_Ahmedabad @TataEmpresas pic.twitter.com/d0hMwPvdgm
– Dr. Falguni Vasavada-Oza (@falgunivasavada) October 14, 2020
Read| The Tanishq episode shows that today’s secularism has become a power play
Further, Divya Dutta, who lent his voice to the ad, also lamented the ongoing backlash, suggesting the ad was trying to promote brotherhood.
What is your opinion on this commercial?
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