Switch to Burari, will hold talks immediately: Shah tells farmers: The Tribune India

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, November 28

Union Interior Minister Amit Shah today called on farmer agitators to move from border points to the designated protest site at Burari Ground, assuring them that the Center is ready for talks. “The government is willing to deliberate on each problem and demand,” he emphasized.

“If farmers unions want to hold discussions before December 3, I want to assure them that as soon as they move their protest to the designated site, our government will hold talks to address their concerns the next day.” On Friday, the Delhi police had granted the farmers permission to assemble on the Burari field. However, several agricultural leaders said that the protesters were adamant in organizing a rally at Jantar Mantar in Delhi.

In Chandigarh, the captain of the Punjab CM, Amarinder Singh, urged farmers to reciprocate Shah’s gesture. On the latter’s offer to hold talks as soon as possible, he said: “It is in the best interest of the agricultural community and the nation. It reflects the will of the Center to listen to farmers.” Captain Amarinder said the farmers had already won half the battle by bringing the Center to the negotiating table. “The government of Punjab is willing to mediate to find an early solution to its problems,” he added.

Talks Tuesday, BJP sources claim

With support for farmers in mind, the Center will invite Punjab agricultural unions to dialogue on Tuesday, BJP sources said. A mediator between the farmers and the Center said Interior Minister Amit Shah would lead the talks. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh and Agriculture Minister NS Tomar would also be present. Shah spoke with Joginder Singh Ugrahan from the BKU earlier in the day. – Vishav Bharti