Today, Sushant Singh Rajput’s family took to Twitter to share handwritten notes from the late actor in which he is seen talking about science, self-esteem and other things.
As we speak, the CBI is investigating the death case of Sushant Singh Rajput, who died under mysterious circumstances at his Bandra home on June 14, 2020, and since the Supreme Court ordered the CBI investigation in the SSR case, the IWC has questioned a multitude of people. From SSR’s sister Siddharth Pithani, the SSR driver and bodyguard, to Rhea Chakraborty and her parents, the IWC has questioned a large number of people and also recreated the crime scene a couple of times at the deceased’s residence. actor.
Currently, the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, mired in several layers of controversy, is experiencing great activity on the drug front, as Rhea Chakraborty, Brother Showik, Samuel Miranda, Deepesh Sawant and drug traffickers are in custody. after they were questioned by the NCB, and it is said that after the court of sessions rejected the bail statement, Chakraborty’s lawyer would appeal to the HC. While fans and the SSR family have been sharing old and vintage photos of the actor, and praying for justice, the SSR family shared the Kedarnath actor’s handwritten notes on Twitter. In the notes, we can look at SSR’s writing on science and scribble words like ‘Experience and analysis’, ‘Metaphors and literals’, ‘Niti Ayoug and politics’, ‘Geniuses Quirks’, ‘Peace’, ‘Weather’, and Along with the tweet, the caption read: “Before drug dealers and gang of killers struck, #SSR was all career and contribution! # What a tragedy. ”
Meanwhile, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIM) is expected to deliver the report of the late actor’s entrails to the CBI next week, and the forensic team has reportedly hinted at inconsistencies in the report. Additionally, SSR USA’s sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, has been seeking justice for her late brother and since the start of campaigns like # Plants4SSR, # GlobalPrayers4SSR, Shweta is currently on a social media detox for 10 days.
Check out the post here:
Before the drug dealers and murderers struck, #SSR It was all career and contribution! #What a tragedy
– United by #SushantSinghRajput (@ sushantf3) September 17, 2020
ALSO READ: Sushant Singh Rajput, Rhea Chakraborty’s unseen video with a mysterious man appears; actor seen drawing a flow chart
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