Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister, Nitu Singh, was briefed by her former manager Shruti Modi about the drugs the actor was prescribed for his alleged depression, recently accessed chats reveal. According to India Today, the conversation between Nitu and Shruti notes that the two had exchanged information about the details of Sushant’s treatment.
The news channel has shared chats between Nitu and Shruti since November 26, 2019. Shruti had told Nitu on WhatsApp: “Hi, this is Shruti. I’ll be outside, “to which Nitu replied,” Hi Shruti, please send me all of Dr.’s recipes. ” Shruti then sent an image of a paper with the names of the prescription drugs to Sushant. Nitu had also told Shruti: “I would also like to meet the Dr. who can go home (sic)”, to which Shruti replied, “Sure.”
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The names of the drugs are Serta, Clonotril, Oleanz, and Qutipin, which are taken for various mental illnesses. Shruti also sent Nitu the contact information for Dr. Susan Walker Psychotherapy.
Sushant’s family, ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhande and many of his former staff members have stated that the actor was not depressed. But therapist Susan Walker had previously told journalist Barkha Dutt in a interview, “Sushant suffered from bipolar disorder, a serious mental illness that can be paralyzing for a person during an episode. Symptoms can include severe anxiety, major depression, and sometimes thought disorders and paranoia. “
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Sushant’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty, had said in a recent interview that not only Sushant, her mother also suffered from depression. “Sushant had a hard time living without his mother, he was very close to her. She also suffered from depression and that’s why she passed away, ”he said.
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