Five days before his untimely death on June 14, 2020, Sushant Singh Rajput wrote to his family expressing fear for his life and safety. He had reportedly sent a message to his sister Meetu Singh on June 9. His former manager, Disha Salian, was also found dead under mysterious circumstances on June 8, 2020. At the time both deaths were alleged to be suicides, but are now being investigated to see if they were murders.
In the SMS that Sushant sent to his sister Meetu, he wrote: “Mujhe darr lag raha hai, mujhe maar denge (I am afraid, I think they will kill me).” In addition, he had written that he had been trying to contact Rhea, who had not responded. He said that it is very urgent that I speak with Rea because he was afraid he was involved in something.
Death of Disha Salian and Sushant Singh Rajput
Recently, sensational new information came to light where a witness told News Nation that Disha Salian was gang-raped by 4 men at the party she attended on the eve of her death on June 8. a total of 6 people in the group, including Disha Salian’s fiancé, Rohan Rai. Since then she has been out of Mumbai. However, the India Today report suggests that he is now back in Mumbai and has also met with investigative officials.