Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty was questioned by a CBI team for the second day in a row on Saturday (August 29) in connection with the death case of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. It should be remembered that Rhea was interrogated for the first time by the CBI for about 10 hours on Friday (August 28) at the DRDO guest house in Mumbai.
Sources told Zee’s media that Rhea was questioned in her drug chat on Friday, while on Saturday, when the CBI began questioning her around 2 p.m., she was unable to provide a convincing answer to the first question.
These are the questions that the CBI posed to Rhea in Saturday’s second round of questions:
1. How much is held responsible for Sushant’s death?
2. Did Sushant commit suicide due to a sudden change in her attitude towards him?
3. If you think Sushant decided to end his life after you left him alone, did you think about telling someone? If so, with whom did you share your thoughts?
4. Did Sushant ever tell you that he would end his life?
5. You had a cohabiting relationship with Sushant and ‘as a wife, you would understand her mental condition very well’, but you didn’t fulfill your duties properly, so why shouldn’t we arrest her for instigation of suicide?
6. If you are innocent, are you ready to take some scientific test?
If the sources are to be believed, Rhea was irritated during the interrogation and also raised her voice claiming she was innocent. Then CBI SP Nupur Prasad told him that “if we rush you to jail, you will never be able to prove your innocence. So you better cooperate in our investigation, we have to find the motive for Sushant’s death. That is why we call you here “.
Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020.